18: iM gAy

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Frank's POV

"He can't see you Frank." Jacquie says, I feel tears forming in my eyes. It looked like a glass wall to us, but to Gerard, it looked like a white, plain, suffocating wall. I can't imagine how terrible he must feel. "Help me, anyone!" He screams, I can hear him start to cry, and that pushes me over the edge. "I'm he-here Gee! I'm here!" I scream, knowing that he probably can't hear me. Ray places a comforting hand on my shoulder. "He'll be okay." Ray says. I feel anger build up, it spills over the edge, causing me to yell at the top of my voice. "Gerard has no clue where he is, he's scared and alone!" My face is covered in tears, and is bright red in rage. Jacquie gives Ray a nod, and I get dragged into my room, screaming for Ray to let me go. I think Gerard heard me from his isolation room. "Frankie! I love you! Stay safe!" That's all I heard from him before I get dragged away, into my room. It feels like every once of life that was in this room, had been stripped away. I forgot how sad and lonely it is without him.

I lay on bed and cry, nothing else, just cry tears of hopelessness. Last time I felt like this, I ended up almost killing myself. I didn't want to go back to that, Gerard would be so horribly upset. I sigh at the thought of his beautiful self being trapped and alone in a whitewashed hell. I fall into a broken sleep, waking up in tears, and going to hold Gerard, but crying harder with the realisation that he isn't there.

It seems like forever, but the day brings the light, but not any relief from my aching heart. Ray gives me my pills, I take them immediately, before asking how Gerard is. "He missed you, he cried, and called for you, but eventually went to sleep." That hurt, his sadness was affecting me, and I wasn't even near him. "C-can I see h-him?" I ask, hoping that Ray says yes. "Certainely." I get escorted by Ray to Gerards prison cell. He isn't restrained anymore, he looks terrible, his eyes are red and puffy, and his hair and face are wet. "Oh, m-my poor l-little Gee." I say, getting sadder with every passing second. "Would you like to go in, Frank?" Jacquie says, looking at me emotionlessly. "Y-yes please J-jacquie." She opens the door by typing in a code, 87693, I'll remember that. The door that was once separating us, slides away. "Frank!" Gerard says, running towards me, I pick him up and spin him around, both of us happily crying. "I missed y-you." I stutter. He smiles through his tears. "I couldn't stop thinking about you, I missed you too much." I smirk, wanting to kiss him, but I knew we were on display. "D-do you know wh-when you're getting out?" He shakes his head. "Soon I hope." Jacquie soon comes in, taking me back out. I thrash, escaping her grip. "I'm n-not leaving h-him here!" I scream, rushing over and holding him. She calls Ray and the nurse from before to take me out of the room. "No! Frank!" Gerard screams, kicking one of the guys in the shin. Ray then scoops me up and walks out, leaving the other guy winded on the floor. He then hobbles out of the door, moving quickly to avoid me wriggling out of Ray's grip. Oh well, too late. I run over and kiss Gerard on the lips. "I'll come b-back for you!" I yell, he looks sad, but he gives me a weak thumbs up.

Ray forces me into my room, shutting the door behind him, leaving it purposefully unlocked, in the hopes that I go back and save my boyfriend.

After lights out, I sneak back to Gerard's 'cell', making sure not to wake anyone while sneaking around. I freeze when I hear someone behind me. "Frank, where are you going?" Amelia says in a silent whisper. "To break Gerard out." I respond casually. "Cool! I'll get Gracie." Amelia says as she tiptoes down the hall. Gracie follows along, dragging Loki along for the ride. The whole squad was finally going to reassemble.


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