17: oH fRaNkIe

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Frank and I wake up slightly earlier, like we did yesterday morning. Watching the sunrise feels like a treat, but in reality, I could've done this anytime that I liked, it just makes everything feel better, watching the sun idly rise into the once dark sky. "Morning beautiful." I whisper into his ear, he shudders slightly and gives me a peck on the lips. Frank smirks. "Morning s-sexy." He ruffles my hair. "H-hows your ass th-this morning?" He asks with a chuckle. I sigh, and laugh too. "Yeah, its uhm, pretty sore." I smirk, Frank does too. "Try not to limp too much today." He says, shoving me slightly. "I wont." I say, playfully kissing his nose.

Ray comes in, staring at my neck. "Is that a hickey?" He asks, and I feel my face glow crimson. Ray chuckles, and Frank goes to ask him a question. "Di-did you leave us th-this?" Frank asks, going slightly red. "Though you two could use it." He says, smirking. Ray is such an weirdo, but he seems pretty cool. Why am I blushing so much? He hands us our pills and leaves, not turning back around, closing the door behind him. "Why a-are you blushing so m-much?" Frank asks, looking at me and smirking. "I'm not sure." I say, as we hold hands, walking out of our room and down the long hallway.

We sit together, still holding Frank's hand. Amelia gasps. "Is that a hickey Gerard?!" Gracie walks over to see the bruise on my neck. I cover it up. "Yeah, what's it to yah?" I say, feeling slightly embarrassed. "It just seemed...odd." Amelia says, hesitating. If anyone didn't know we were together by now, they mustn't have seen us at all. "Anyway, wh-whats everyone doing to-today?" Frank says as I take my pills. "Nothing much, probably same as usual." Amelia mutters. Gracie is naruto running around the room, humming a tune that sounds rather familiar. I hope she doesn't get taken away again.

Later, at lunch I get pulled aside by Jacquie. "What-" I start, she immediately cuts me off. "Mikey, he's coming, he found you, hes travelling from another country. Heaps of sightings have been reported in Japan, Russia, and Mikey is only wanting you." I blink, she couldn't be serious, could she? "You have to leave. He'll be here in a few days." No, no, no. "I'm not leaving! I have friends!" I yell, making most of the people here, turning around and staring, but I really don't care. Ray gets ready to hold me back, Frank comes along too. "Just as I start making friends, I get taken away!" Tears sting my face, I feel Frank hold my hand beside me. "I don't care if Mikey is coming, this time I'll protect everyone! I'll save them....everyone." I instantly start feeling drowsy. They're putting me on that stuff Gracie was on. I feel Frank's arms catch me as I fall. Ray must've done it, and to think, I thought he was okay.

When I wake up, the sun is going down, and I'm restrained tightly in a room that I'd never been in before. I just hope everyone is okay.

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