16: Somebody Oh!

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Early the next morning, I get woken up by Frank shifting around, I'm guessing that he'd been awake for a while now. "S-sorry 'bout th-that Gee." He says, giving me a gentle kiss on the cheek. "Nah, its m'kay." I reply, probably stinking him out with my morning breath. My face feels a whole lot better today, and I feel like the swelling has gone down significantly. The sun had just come up, I don't I've ever been awake this early before. Through the window, I can see the last remaining part of the sun, soar above the horizon. "Pretty, i-isnt it?" Frank says, snaking his arm around my waist. "Like you." I say, kissing his neck. He rolls his eyes and blushes, kissing me on the lips, not caring about my breath. He nuzzles my nose, smirking his trademark smirk. Why is he so fucking cute? Like everything about him is flawless. I can't help but smile, Frank makes me so happy, I can't put it into words how much I love him, the closest I can do is say 'I love you.' We lay back down, I play with Frank's hair, singing a few lyrics I thought up a little while ago. "I didn't kn-know you could s-sing Gerard!" Frank says, looking rather shocked. I blush. "I didn't know I could." His face is filled with wonder. "Oh, I love y-you so m-much." Frank stammers. Every day, his stuttering gets less noticeable, I'm proud of him, working through all this. "I love you more, Frankie." He brushes some of my hair behind my ear, cupping my cheek with his other hand. I can't help a smile from forming on my face. We lay back down, holding hands and telling one another that they're by far cuter than themself.

Ray come in about half an hour later, walking in on Frank kissing my cheek. "Mornin' you lovebirds." He says cheerfully, as usual, and smiling his toothy grin. "How are you this morning?" I ask him, he looks surprised. "I'm good, thanks for asking." He responds. We get given our pills, Frank taking his straight away. "I'll leave you guys to it." Ray says, as he turns with a wink. Frank gets up and pulls some clothes from out of the box that he has under his bed. I should probably grab a change of clothes as well. I grab some black ripped Jean's, and a red and black striped shirt and put them on. I turned around because I didn't want to be weird, and stare at Frank, even though I could do that for hours.

Frank and I walk into the cafeteria, to find pretty empty. "Where i-is e-everyone?" Frank asks looking panicked. I hold his hand. "It'll be okay Frankie." He squeezes my hand and smiles weakly. I hear voices coming from outside, sometimes, I forget that we are even allowed outside. Before going outside, I decide to take my pill with some cereal that I managed to steal from the counter. Frank and I walk outside to see some kids fighting. I stop when I realize that one of them is Loki. Man, he's beating the crap out of that other kid. I'd never seen him before. I see Gracie yelling 'beat him up!' With Amelia, I sigh, shake my head, and go back inside, and so do most of the people out there, returning back to their lives as if there wasn't a kid being attacked by a 'god' out there. Some random nurse (with a surprisingly large forehead) takes the other kid away, probably into his room or something. Loki has blood on his fists. Remind me not to get on his bad side. "Why did y-you attack th-that guy?" Frank asks, looking slightly scared. Loki doesn't answer, he glares at us, and looks at a wall. Gracie makes an attempt to comfort him, but he gets up and walks away, like an angsty little teen. "That went well." Amelia or Barry or whoever the fuck she was today says rudely. She then gets up and leaves. "What w-was that a-about?" Frank asks, Gracie shakes her head. "I'm not sure actually." She sighs. "Wanna stay with us today?" I ask her, she nods, and we spend the rest of the day, until just before lights out, together.

I'm sorry for you guys that don't like smut, I'm trying to keep it to a minimum. And no, I'm not turning into a certain someone. Please don't hate me if there is a little more smut, and please dont mention it irl. Consider yourselves warned.

After lights out, Frank gets into his bed, to find a brown paper bag containing....I'm not even gonna start to explain. "Wonder who left those?" I ask, Frank shrugs. "B-beats me, bu-but we could put it t-to use." He whispers the last part seductively in my ear, kissing and sucking my neck, making me moan softly, and I can tell that its gonna leave a bruise. I take off my shirt, Frank doing the same, both of our bodies colliding together, in a messy, but passionate kiss. He gets down on his knees. "Is thi-this okay?" Frank asks, before unzipping me jeans. I nod, and he pulls them off, revealing my problem. Frank gives me a face that says it all, he then takes off his own jeans and lets them hit the floor. I take off my boxers and fling them away. "Work your magic." I whisper as he preps me, it takes me by surprise, because of how good it feels. We both get comfortable before we start. I have a pillow jammed in my mouth to stop my moans from getting too loud. I seriously underestimated how much this hurt, but I still enjoyed every second, moaning into the pillow, making Frank get turned on more and more. I hear Frank's breathing get faster and heavier as he releases, and so do I. It's all over my chest, but Frank uses one of our shirts to clean it off, hopefully it's his. "Thanks Frankie." I say exhaustedly. "Maybe next time, we could switch?" He nods and kisses me. "H-how was that?" He asks, smirking and playing with my hair. "Amazing." I reply, nuzzling into the crook of his neck, throwing in a cheeky nip. He smiles and falls asleep shortly after

All you good children can open your eyes now.

I think spending some time with Gracie and Frank earlier helped to clear my mind, from everything I was thinking about. Frank was already asleep beside me, he was even cuter while he slept. I should try and sleep as well, not drool over my sleeping boyfriend. But sleep doesn't come easily tonight, I keep thinking about the future, what may or may not happen. I sigh and stare at the roof. I can't think of anything to do, except close my eyes, and pray that I can fall under the spell of sleep. Finally, after what feels like forever, sleep takes hold of me, and doesnt let go.

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