11: *to the tune of Zoey 101* Ooh

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"Where were you guys at lunch?" Amelia asks, looking around anxiously. She seemed fine before, maybe she has D.I.D or something. Frank blushes, I do too, making Gracie and Loki very suspicious. "A-anyway, what did y-you guys get u-up to?" Frank asks. Gracie starts explaining every detail, laughing so hard, that it catches onto Loki and Amelia. Even Frank and I can't help laughing, as their conjoined laughter is contagious. Loki seems cool, I guess he's become one of us now, as he hangs out with us practically every day. After dinner, Gracie, Loki and Amelia, all walk back to our rooms together, as all of us are merely just down the hall from one another. "S-see you g-guys tomorrow." Frank calls to the splitting group. He gets back a range of 'byes' and waves from people in the group. We head into our room just as the lights shut off for the night.

When I finally drift off to sleep, I have a nightmare mixed with a flashback. The floor and walls are dripping with fresh, crimson blood, there a man dressed in all black, with a mask hiding his identity. "P-please n-no." I hear someone say in a shaky stuttery voice. It takes me a minute, but I realise that its Frank who is pleading for mercy. A single shot rings out and a deadly silence occurs, I figured that I had just lost Frank to the mass murderer, I cry harder than I ever have before, I then get pushed against the wall by the gunman, holding the gun to my head. "Don't you remember me?" He says with a small snicker. "Your poor, innocent little brother, Mikey?" And with that I get shot right through the head. I wake up in a sweat, my clothes sticking to me, and my face tear stained. My heart is racing and I begin to sob. I'm so frightened and confused, why had nobody told me about this, and why did it only come up in my dreams now? I hear Frank stir, he sits up and sees me. "W-what happened?" He asks, and I just shake my head, and take in a very shaky breath. "He killed you, he killed everyone. He killed me." He looks confused, but hold me anyways, kissing my cheek. "Its o-okay, i'm h-here." I smile sadly. "Thanks Frank." I say as I lie back down. "Would y-you like m-me to st-stay?" He asks, and I nod. He wraps his arms around me and I feel so safe and warm. I find myself drifting away into an undisturbed sleep, hoping to see no more of 'Mikey'.

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