7: Welp, I'm Dead Inside

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I woke up next to Frank this morning, and I don't think I've ever been happier. "Morning Frankie, time to get up." I say as nicely as I can muster. He sits up. "M-morning Ge-gerard." He kisses my cheek. "I b-better g-go back t-to my r-room." He says as he waves goodbye. No a moment later, Ray, the murse from yesterday walks into my room and gives me my pills. "How are you this morning, Gerard?" He asks. "Good." I reply. I think i'm loosing my sassiness, or maybe i'm just conserving it, so I can roast the living fuck outta someone later. He smiles and walks out of my room, leaving the door open.

I walk out and find Frank and the usual gang, including Gracie sitting at our table, they're all staring at this news article. I take a look, and the headline reads 'Nurse found dead in appartment' I read a little more to find that this was a suicide and that it was Lindsey. My heart sank, I knew she was sad, but I never thought that it would end up like this. "Whats wrong my dude?" Gracie asks, looking at me rather confused. "Nothing." She gives me the -_- face before turning back around and looking on the shiny table. She slams her hands down and runs away screaming. I've learned not to question. There was a notice being passed around about a fire alarm going off for testing, I didn't know why that was needed to be said, but it was anyways. The alarm starts blaring, it sounds like a school bell, suddenly I get a blurred memory, of an armed man, walking into a class, shooting at anything that moved, I start to hyperventilate and shake.

I guess I passed out, because I wake up in my bed, Frank and Gracie sitting in a corner near my bed and Jacquie sitting on a chair at the far wall. I'm surprised Gracie hadn't said anything, she was so quiet, it was really odd seeing as only a few minutes ago she was running away screaming from a shine on the table. "How are you feeling now Gerard?" Jacquie says. I don't know how I should respond. "Um....good?" I feel a little dizzy, but I'm not thinking much of it. "Are you sure you took your Carbamazepine this morning?" I nod. I take a look over at Frank now that Jacquie has temporarily shut up. His eyes are red and puffy and his face is tear stained. I want to make him feel better, but I feel too weak to move. Jacquie scribbles something down, ahe flashes a quick smile at me, and then leaves, with Gracie and Frank still in my room. Frank runs over to me, hugging me and kissing my cheek, just holding me. Gracie awkwardly stands behind him, looking around the room, like she didn't know what she was doing. "I th-thought I l-lost y-you." I wrap my arms protectively around him, placing a kiss on his forehead. "I'm here now, you won't lose me again." He smiles, eyes still full of tears. Gracie sits back on the chair for probably a minute, before she turns and leaves. I'm still holding Frank, he looked like he needed a hug. "Dont l-let me g-go Gerard." He says into the crook of my neck. "I wont Frankie, I wont."

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