Chapter 1

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Erica's POV

I'm so glad I'm finally going on vacation

because let me tell you college is not easy

like oh my gosh books are so expensive

& wait let me introduce myself first silly me.

My name is Erica Ayala

I am Mexican American

so yes I speak Spanish.

I currently finished attending college in Los Angeles,CA.

Summer starts tomorrow & i am leaving to Barcelona it's on my bucket list so why not?

Also I have tickets to see El Classico!

I can never choose what team to go for!

it gets soo exciting!

And who knows maybe I'll find myself a man ;)

yeah, no.

I'm so not that type of girl to do one night stands

but I can dream.

I wish my best friend could come with me

but she can't she's still in school

she should join me in a month or two hopefully!

I checked the time &

it's already 6:45pm!

My flight leaves at 7!

*at the airport*

I'm waiting for my plane to take off I guess theirs been a delay thank god I nearly missed my flight por dios!

Marc's POV

LAX is always so busy

but it's worth it I love coming down

to California

to see my mamá & my papá.

I hate leaving and not being able to see them like I used to

but I don't mind as much

because I'm living my dream.

Apparently theirs been a delay to my flight back to Barca

so I guess I'll just make myself comfortable and wait.

I guess I had gotten to comfortable

because I was being woken up

by a beautiful young lady

"Excuse me, the planes about to take off"

wow she's gorgeous

"Gracias, I would of overslept & missed my flight"

smooth Bartra play it smooth.

"De nada, well see you on the plane"

she speaks Spanish!

wow oh wow she's amazing

"Yes you will..."

I was hoping she'd give me her name.

"Erica, Erica Ayala"

"Well Erica thank you for waking me up from my sleep I'm glad you did, not only because I almost missed my flight, but because I woke up to an amazing view"

I winked at her and kissed her hand.

She blushed and went on the plane.

She's gorgeous I can't believe I didn't get her number, I guess I'll have to get it during the plane ride ;)

~Authors note~

Hey guys what do you think? Should I keep going? One vote & I will publish the next chapter! :D please comment! no hate please! thanks :D

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