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marcie went to chemistry class and stiles informed her that there was another werewolf, it was isaac lahey.

"isaac lahey?" marcie asked.

"why would derek choose isaac?" scott asked.

"peter told me that if the bite doesn't turn you it could kill you. and maybe teenagers have a better chance of surviving." stiles said.

"yeah, i remember." marcie said with a sad look on her face that didn't go unnoticed by stiles.

"does being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him?" scott asked.

"well, not unless they have solid evidence. or a witness." stiles said.

"wait. danny. where's jackson?" stiles asked him.

"in the principals office talking to your dad." danny replied.

"what? why?" stiles asked.

"maybe because he lives across the street from isaac." danny replied.

"witness." marcie said.

"okay. we gotta get to the principals office." stiles said.

"how?" scott asked.

"all right boys, get ready to point." marcie said rolling up a ball of paper.

"everyone please turn to page 73." mr. harris said as he got hit in the head with a ball of paper.

stiles and scott looked at marcie and she just gave them a shrug and smiled

"who in the hell did that?" he asked.

the two boys pointed to each other and soon they were brought out of the classroom.


"wait, so are you telling me that you knew isaacs father was hitting him?" sheriff stilinski asked.

"hitting him? he was kicking the crap out of him." jackson replied.

"did you ever say anything to anyone? a teacher, parents, anyone?" stiles' dad asked.

"nope. it's not my problem." jackson replied.

"no, no, of course not. you know. it's funny that the kids getting beaten up are always the ones who least deserve it." sheriff stilinski said.

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