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stiles was at the car repair shop. since erica had messed up his jeep.

"hey!" stiles said, but didn't get a response.

"hey! what do you think you are doing? all i needed was a starter." stiles told the repair guy.

"it looks like your whole exhaust systems gotta be replaced." the guy told him.

"why do i get the feeling you are slightly over estimating the damage?" stiles asked.

"it's probably gonna run you around 1200 parts and labor." the guy replied.

"are you kidding? this thing doesn't even have a cadilytic converter. and yes i know what a cadilytic converter is." stiles said.

"do you what the differential is?" the repair guy asked.

"no." stiles admitted.

"yeah, more like 1500." the repair guy said.

"okay. just finish. i'll be back here. feeding with rage." stiles said grabbing the doorknob only to touch some slime.

"oh. nice. that's real sanitary. quality establishment you are running here." stiles said pulling the door open.

stiles wiped the slime on his sweater and he looked at a picture framed photo of the repair guy wearing lacrosse gear.

"figures." stiles mumbled.

stiles pulled out his phone and as he went to type, his fingers couldn't move.

"what the." stiles said to himself then he dropped his phone.

stiles looked out the window to see a claw above the repair guy. his eyes widened in fear.

what he saw was a giant lizard on top of his jeep staring at him.

"hey. hey!" stiles shouted to get the guys attention but it was too late.

the lizard had cut the back of the guys neck.

"hey!" stiles said again but fell to the ground.

stiles reached for his phone, but when he looked up he saw that the machine with his jeep on it was slowly lowering on top of the repair guy.

"help." he heard him say as stiles went to call 911.

"help me." the repair guy said again.

stiles looked to see it getting closer and closer to crushing him.

stiles watched the machine drop down on the guy. the lizard looked in the window, causing stiles to jump.

"911 what's your emergency?" stiles heard on the phone.

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