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after scott, tristan and isaac got changed, marcie went into the locker room and she saw that stiles' father was already talking to them.

harry was waiting outside since he was marcie's ride home.

"i've got to meet with the medical examiner to see what happened to jackson. i've got an APB out on stiles, his jeep is still in the parking lot so that means... god, hell i don't know what that means, um... look, if he answers his phone, if he answers his emails, if any one of you see him..." his father began.

"then we'll call you." isaac said.

"look, he's probably just freaked out from all the attention or something. we'll find him." scott said as his father nodded.

"yeah. i'll see you." his father said before walking away.

"mccall." coach said walking over to him.

"we need you on the team, okay? you know i can't put you on the field next season if you don't get your grades up." coach told him.

"yeah, i know, coach." scott replied.

"all right. i mean, i-i i know i yell a lot but it's not like i-i hate you guys. well, i kinda hate greenberg but you know, that's- that's different it's greenberg. i'm just saying... we... we need you on the team. get your grades back up." coach finnstock said.

marcie had never seen that side of coach finnstock before. maybe he wasn't so bad.

"i will." scott replied.

"i know." coach replied as he walked away.

"is that everyone?" scott asked as the five of them looked around.

"i think so." isaac said letting out a sigh.

scott ripped off stiles' locker door and he grabbed some of his stuff.

"you're gonna find him by scent?" isaac asked.

"no, i'm gonna find him with a locator spell." marcie said.

scott head turned over to the entrance and so did marcie. derek was standing there.

"we need to talk." derek said as peter appeared from behind him.

"all of us." peter said.

"holy sh-" scott tried to say but got cut off.

"but you were-" marcie went to say.

"what the hell is this?" scott asked.

"you know, i thought the same thing when i saw you talking to gerard at the sheriff's station." derek said.

"okay, hold on. he-he threatened to kill my mom. and i had to get close to him, what was i supposed to do?" scott said.

"i'm gonna go with scott on this one, have you seen his mom? she's gorgeous." peter said.

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