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stiles who got fed up with staying in the room, crawled over to his father and watched matt hit him over the head.

melissa let out a scream and all stiles could do was lay there.

"matt, please listen to me. my son has been shot. and i hear gunfire and i don't know what's happening but can you please just let me see my son?" melissa asked.

"how totally clueless are you people?" matt asked.

then he heard growling and turned, seeing derek in the corner of the room.

but then jackson came in letting out a hissing noise.

derek started to fight the kanima, causing melissa to freak out.

scott could hear derek growling and he followed the sound.

he saw derek was on the ground and the kanima was looking at melissa.

scott went from behind it and stabbed the kanima in the back.

derek went and cashed after the kanima after it ran off.

"scott? scott are you okay?" melissa asked.

scott looked at his mother and what she saw scared her. melissa saw scott as a werewolf.

melissa was afraid and she just backed away. scott just took off and he bumped into gerard.

"what are you doing here? it wasn't supposed to happen like this." scott told him.

"trust me, i'm aware of that." gerard replied.

"i've done everything that you've asked of me. i'm part of derek's pack, i've given you all the information that you wanted. i told you matt was controlling jackson." scott said.

"and leave him to us. help your friends. leave matt and jackson to me. deal with your mother. go!" gerard said as scott heard something fall on the ground.

"you dropped this." scott said passing gerard his pills.

"go!" gerard said.

scott ended up running away to go and find where derek went.


stiles could finally feel his body again and he quickly went back to find marcie.

marcie was still where scott had left her and she got up.

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