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scott ended up coming back and they all started to restock the shelfs with books.

stiles explained to them what erica found about jackson's parents.

"it means he was born after his mom died, by c section. they had to pull him out of her dead body." stiles explained.

"that's so sad." marcie said.

"you okay, dude?" they heard matt ask jackson and he nodded.

"so, was it an accident or not?" allison asked.

"the word all over the report is inconclusive." stiles told them.

"then his parents could've been murdered?" scott asked as stiles nodded.

"well, if they were it falls in line with the kanima myth. you know? it seeks out and kills murderers." stiles said.

"but for jackson. or the person controlling him?" allison asked.

"we have to talk to him. we have to tell him." scott said.

"he's not gonna listen." allison said but scott went to go talk to him.

all of the sudden, something made a hole in the ceiling. jackson shifted.

marcie hands were glowing again and she was looking around.

"erica!" scott shouted.

erica let out a growl but the kanima just kept running around.

it knocked a bunch of books off the shelf and stiles grabbed marcie and allison to pull them away from the falling books.

matt was paralyzed and erica fell down to the ground as well.

jackson pushed scott and scott got in front of his friends.

"mars, now would be a great time for you to do something." stiles told her but then jackson walked away.

"what's he doing?" marcie asked.

they watched jackson write something on the black board.

he wrote stay out of my way or i'll kill all of you. then he just took off.

stiles quickly went over to erica because he saw that she was on the ground shaking.

"hey, hey, hey. i think she's having a seizure." stiles said holding up erica.

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