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stiles was sitting in his room thinking about the talk he just had with marcie.

"she left, huh?" his father said making stiles turn to see him standing by his doorway.

"yeah." stiles replied.

"so, is there, uh, anything there?" his father asked him with a slight smile.

"no, no, she's in love with someone else." stiles replied in a low tone.

"ah. listen, i know that getting beaten up and with what happened to jackson has got you pretty shaken. but be happy about one thing, the game. you were amazing." his father said sitting beside him.

"thanks, dad." stiles said with a small chuckle.

"no, i mean it. it- look, it. it was pretty much over... and then you got the ball and you started running. you scored and the time just turned. and you scored again. and again. you weren't just the mvp of the game, you were a hero." his father told him.

"i'm not a hero, dad." stiles said.

"you were last night." his father said before patting him on the back and walking out of his room.

"i'm not a hero." stiles said again.


marcie was in her room getting a sweater when she decided to put on stiles' lacrosse hoodie.

she had forgotten to return it and it was the closest thing she could grab.

when she went to leave her room, she saw stiles which caught her by surprise.

"look, if you're trying to stop me-" marcie began but she got cut off.

"no, you were right. we need to help them." stiles said.

marcie looked back at stiles and she smiled at him. he looked at her and noticed she was wearing his sweater making him smile back at her.

the two of them got into his jeep and she saw lydia was in the passenger seat.

"let's go save the day." marcie said.


"we're trying to save him." scott said.

"we're past that." derek replied.

"what- what about-" scott began.

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