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"scott, you know how many people i deal with in a day?" melissa asked him over the phone.

"this ones 16. he's got dark hair, looks like a normal teenager." scott explained.

"yeah, he looks evil." stiles said.

"scott, i already talked to the police about this." melissa said.

"okay, mom. i'm gonna take a picture and send it to you." scott said taking a photo of matt from the yearbook.

"did you get it?" he asked his mother.

"yeah." melissa replied.

"do you recognize him? do you remember him?" scott asked her.

"yeah, i did. i mean, i remember i stopped him because he was tracking mud in the hall. scott, what's going on?" melissa asked.

"it's nothing mom, i'll explain later. i gotta go." scott replied as he hung up the phone.

"okay, we've got shoe prints alongside the tire tracks at the trailer site." stiles' dad said looking through the file.

"and if they match, that puts matt at the scene of three murders. the trailer, the hospital, the rave." stiles said.

"actually, four. a credit card receipt for an oil change was signed by matt at the garage where the mechanic was killed." stiles' dad told them.

"what?" marcie said.

"when?" scott asked.

"a couple hours before you got there." he said looking at his son.

"all right, dad. if ones an incident, twos a coincidence, and threes a pattern, what's four?" stiles asked.

"fours enough for a warrant. scott, call your mom back, see how quickly she can get here. if i can get an official I.D., i can get a search warrant. stiles, go to the front desk. tell them to let scotts mom in when she gets here." noah said.

"on it." stiles said leaving the room while scott called his mom.

scott got off the phone with his mom making marcie and stiles' dad turn to him.

"she's on her way here." scott told them.

marcie and scott noticed that stilinski was looking at something with fear in his eyes.

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