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marcie went over to stiles seeing that he was standing all alone and she was stopped after zoe grabbed her arm.

"zoe." marcie said turning away but zoe ran after her.

"marcie, please just talk to me. i hate that we aren't friends anymore." zoe said as marcie felt tears build up in her eyes.

"i can't forgive you, zoe. i just can't." marcie told her before walking away.

stiles saw she looked upset and he walked over to her and pulled her into his arms.

she buried her face in his neck and took in his scent that she's come to love.

"thank you." he heard her whisper.

the two of them pulled away after seeing scott walk by and he seemed off.

"you feeling okay?" stiles asked scott.

"it's not the moon, it's different." scott replied.

"i'm going to check on allison." marcie said and walked off.

she stopped right in her tracks, when she saw two people she hadn't seen in a long time.

"m-mom, d-dad?" marcie said and they turned around.

for the first time in 2 years she saw her parents faces. she wasn't sure how she felt.

"how are you here right now?" she asked.

"you. look at you. such a stupid young girl, thinking that you could just save everyone." her mother said angrily.

"w-what." marcie said.

"you actually think all your friends care about you? well let me tell you something, marcie. all they see is a broken little girl." her father said to his daughter.

marcie shut her eyes as she felt a tear roll down her cheek.

"no, no, you're wrong." marcie said.

"are we?" her parents said making her open her eyes again.

once she did, her parents faces were replaced by stiles and scott's faces.

"mars." stiles said seeing she had snapped out of whatever hallucination she was seeing.

"they weren't real." marcie said looking at the two boys with tears in her eyes.

magical - stiles stilinski Where stories live. Discover now