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"can't talk, got to run. hey, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. what's wrong?" stiles asked seeing that he pulled up in a regular car instead of his police car.

"nothing." his father replied.

"where's your gun?" stiles asked.

"i left it at the station along with my badge." his father replied.

"what?" stiles said looking at him with wide eyes.

"it's all right. you know what? we'll talk about this later." he said.

"dad." stiles tried.

"don't worry about it." his dad replied.

"dad!" stiles said again and his father let out a long sigh.

"it was decided that the son of a police chief stealing police property and having a restraining order filed against him by one of the towns most respected attorneys did not reflect well on the county." he explained.

"they fired you?" stiles said with glossy eyes.

"nah. look, it's- it's just a leave of absence. it's temporary." his father said.

"did they say it was temporary or..." stiles asked.

"actually, no. you know, i-it's fine. don't worry about it though. hey. we're going to be fine." he said going to walk into the house.

"hey- wha- dad." stiles said making him turn around.

"i don't get it. why... why aren't you angry at me?" stiles asked.

"i don't know. maybe i just don't want to feel any worse than i already do by uh having to yell at my son." his father said as he walked into the garage and closed the door.


"you okay?" scott asked stiles.

"yeah, why?" stiles replied grabbing a bag from his trunk.

"you just didn't say anything the whole way here." scott said.

marcie noticed it too, she could tell something was off with stiles.

"no, i'm fine. let's just grab the other bag." stiles said.

"remember deaton said you guys have to do it alone." scott reminded him.

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