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"i'm serious. it's not like the last full moon, i don't feel the same." scott told stiles as they made their way into the locker room.

"oh, does that include the urge to maim and kill people like me?" stiles asked.

"i don't have the urge to maim and kill you." scott told him as they entered the locker room.

"you know, you say that then out comes the moon and out come the fangs and the claws and there's a lot of howling and screaming and running everywhere, okay? and it's very stressful on me and so yes, i'm still locking you up." stiles told him.

"okay, fine. but i do think i'm in more control now. especially since things are good with allison." scott told him.

"okay, i'm aware of how good things are with allison." stiles said in an annoyed tone.

"they're really good." scott said with a smile.

"i... thank you, i know." stiles replied.

"i mean, like, really good." scott said again getting on stiles' last nerve.

"all right, i get it! just please shut the hell up before i have the urge to maim and kill myself." stiles told him.

"all right, did you get something better than handcuffs this time?" scott asked him.

"yeah, much better." stiles said opening his locker.

all the sudden a long chain began to fall from stiles' locker making everyone look over at them.

"part of me wants to ask. the other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything i could ever imagine. so... i'm gonna walk away." coach said before leaving the two boys alone.

"that's good. that's a wise choice, coach." stiles told him.

stiles and scott went to pick up the chain but scott lifted his head and his eyes glowed.

"you okay? scott?" stiles asked his best friend.

"there's another. in here, right now." scott whispered.

"another what?" stiles asked.

"another werewolf." scott replied.


marcie was walking into the school with lydia and allison.

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