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matt ended up putting melissa into a cell with stiles' dad.

"please, he needs to see a doctor." melissa said.

"you think so?" matt asked.

"hey, hey! you listen to me!" stiles' dad began.

"it's all right. i'm okay." scott said.

"no, honey, you're not okay." melissa cried.

"it doesn't hurt mom." scott said.

"cause that's the adrenaline, okay? please, let just take a look at him. i can help stop the bleeding." melissa said.

"they have no idea, do they?" matt asked scott.

"shut up! shut up! shut up! shut up! lady, if you keep talking, i'm gonna put the next bullet through his head." matt said looking over at scott.

"okay. okay." melissa said.

"back to the front, mccall. after you." matt said as scott looked at his mom before walking out of the room.

matt brought them into the room where stiles, marcie and derek were.

"the evidence is gone. why don't you just go?" scott asked him.

"you think the evidence mattered that much, huh? no-no, i want the book." matt said.

"what book?" scott asked.

"the bestiary. not just a few pages, i want the entire thing." matt said.

"i don't have it. it's gerard's. what do you want it for, anyway?" scott asked him.

"i need answers." matt replied.

"answers to what?" scott asked him.

"to this." matt said lifting up his shirt and showing some scales on his side.


"hey, do you know what's happening to matt?" stiles whispered to derek.

"you know the books not gonna help him. you can't just break the rules, not like this." derek said.

"what do you mean?" marcie whispered.

"the universe balances things out. always does." derek said.

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