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marcie called harry since she knew they could do a cloaking spell to hide the van.

after driving far enough, scott met up with them and they were walking towards the edge.

harry showed up soon after and him and marcie went off to the side for silence.

they both closed their eyes and focused on the silence and began the spell.

"if jackson doesn't remember being the kanima, he's definitely not gonna remember stealing danny's tablet." scott said.

"why would he steal the thing if he doesn't even know what's on it?" stiles asked.

"what if someone else took it?" allison asked.

"then somebody else knows what he is." stiles said.

"which could mean someone's protecting him." scott said.

"like that bestiary says 'the kanima seeks a friend,' right?" allison said.

if marcie and harry would've heard that, they would've corrected allison.

"okay, hold on. so, somebody watches jackson make a video of himself turning into the kanima, and then just erases part of it so he wouldn't know? i mean, who would do that?" stiles said.

"somebody who wanted to protect him?" allison suggested.

"there's something else. you said the only thing you found online about the kanima is that it goes after murderers. what if that's actually true?" scott wondered.

"well, no, it can't be. tried to kill all of us, remember? i don't know about you two, i haven't murdered anybody lately." stiles said.

"but i-i don't think that it was actually trying to kill us. remember when we were at isaac's the first time it just went right by us, didn't it?" scott said looking over at allison.

"you're right, it just ran off." allison said.

"and it didn't kill you in the mechanics garage." scott said looking at stiles.

"well, yeah, but it tried to kill me and derek in the pool." stiles said.

"did it?" scott asked.

"it would've. it was waiting for us to come out." stiles said.

"what if it wasn't?" scott asked.

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