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marcie walked into her house and the second she did, harry went up to her.

"i don't set a lot of rules, marcie. but i at least expect you to be honest with me." harry told her as she let out a sigh.

"okay, fine. you wanna know what i was doing?" marcie asked him.

"i would like to, yes." harry replied.

"here's the truth. the truth is... i was helping stiles and his friends because derek and his pack wanted to kill lydia." marcie explained.

"lydia martin? why?" harry asked.

"they think she's some supernatural creature called the kanima but we found out it was jackson." marcie explained.

"kanima. that's something i haven't heard of in a long time." harry said making marcie glare at him.

"you know what they are?" marcie asked him.

"yeah, the kanima is something that seeks a master." harry said.

"morell told allison and i that it seeks a friend." marcie said.

"listen to me, mar. morell isn't someone you can trust, okay?" harry told her as she nodded her head.

"so, you're not mad at me?" marcie asked him as he let out a sigh.

"no, i'm not mad that you tried helping your friends. and i know i said witches don't get involved in werewolf business, but if you trust scott, i'll help you guys with whatever i can." harry said.


"uh, what about your house?" stiles asked scott.

"not with my mom there. we need to take him somewhere where we can hold him long enough to figure out what to do with him. or long enough to convince him he's dangerous." scott said.

"i still say we just kill him." stiles said.

"we're not killing him." scott said to him.

"god! okay, okay. i got an idea." stiles said.

"does it involve breaking the law?" scott asked.

"by now, don't you think that's a given?" stiles replied.

"i was just trying to be optimistic." scott said.

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