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stiles got lydia out of the library and met up with, marcie, allison and jackson.

"if we're doing a study group, why didn't we just stay in the library?" lydia asked.

"because we're meeting up with somebody else." stiles said patting lydia on the shoulder.

"why don't they just meet us in the library?" lydia asked  as they kept walking down the hall.

"that would've been a great idea. too late." stiles said.

"okay hold on-" lydia began.

"lydia, shut up and walk." jackson said grabbing the back of her arm and dragging her down the hall.

they finally made it to the parking lot. marcie sat in the passenger seat leaving lydia, jackson and allison in the back.


stiles drove over to scott's house, and they all got out and stiles put his backpack in the backseat.

"if we're studying at scott's house, then where's scott?" lydia asked walking up the steps.

"meeting us here, i think. i hope." stiles replied.

"he'll be here." marcie said giving lydia a smile.

"thanks for doing this." allison said to jackson.

"i needed to talk to her anyway." jackson replied as they walked into the house.

everyone watched as stiles locked all the locks on the door and looked through the curtain.

lydia and jackson looked at stiles strangely. when stiles turned around, he knew he had to come up with something.

"uh. there's been a few break ins around the neighborhood." stiles told them then looked over at a chair placing it under the doorknob.

and lydia gave him a look.

"and a murder." marcie said covering for stiles.

"yeah, it was bad." stiles added looking over at marcie.

he was so thankful that marcie was quick on her feet just like he usually is.

"lydia, follow me. i need to talk to you for a minute." jackson said.

"seriously? what is going on with everyone?" lydia asked following him into another room.

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