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in gym class, coach was making them climb up a rock wall.

allison and scott were first and allison ended up kicking scott's foot and he fell back.

the harness caught him before he hit the floor and coach finnstock laughed.

"mccall, i don't why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy. right? all right, next two! stilinski! levy." coach finnstock said as stiles looked over at marcie and she grinned back at him.

stiles couldn't help but notice how great she looked in her gym clothes.

he thought having her hair in a ponytail was perfect since he could fully see her face.

"you're so gonna lose." marcie told him as he scoffed.

"what makes you think that?" stiles asked her making her raise her eyebrows.

"fine, let's make it interesting. whoever wins gets a reward." marcie said making stiles' eyes go wide.

"oh, yeah? what's the reward?" stiles asked her.

"whatever you want, handsome." marcie said with a wink before going to strap herself in the harness.

"let's go, the wall." coach said.

they began climbing and marcie was behind stiles. she moved her head to the side, using her magic to get stiles' foot to lose it's grip and he fell.

marcie smirked and climbed up and she ended up making it to the top first and she dropped down.

after her and stiles got off the wall, he walked over to her.

"you cheated." stiles whispered in her ear.

stiles knew that she used her magic to her advantage so she could win.

"i don't know what you're talking about." marcie said before walking away from him.

"you guys seem to be getting friendly." allison said with a smirk.

"just playful banter." marcie said.

"first it's playful banter, next it's causal hookups." lydia said.

"oh, my god. we're just friends." marcie said with a laugh.

"good, because i don't see you guys being a good couple." lydia said before walking away.

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