Good Bye

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''You have made your decision, Good bye.'' Sanem runs out of the parking and up to Leila's office. As she explains what happened to her sister, it becomes obvious that she must leave the agency. From day one, every day has been a challenge, if not a nightmare, deceptions, bullying, betrayal and heartbreak. In the last few months, Sanem has endured more than she has ever had to, all because of this job.

She quickly writes a resignation letter and hands it to Emre, a tearful farewell with the team follows and Sanem takes what she thinks is her finale step out of the agency.

As she reaches the water and sits on a bench, her chest tightens. The memories rush back to her mind and suffocates her. She knows so many words, and can describe so many emotions when she writes, yet in this instance, Sanem finds herself unable to recognize any feeling. Maybe it would hurt too much she thinks...

As she remembers the past 2 days; her suffocating fear to lose him, his violent screams, ''you are like anyone else now...'' and the many humiliations in Agua... a white and pure anger grows and soon engulfs her body. ''How did he dare?'' she wonders... after everything I have done for him, all the tears, the dishonour... Sanem recalls Can's attitude toward Fabri, that escalated to violence to no fault of hers, yet she was the one getting him out of jail. All the female ''friends'' he was openly hanging out with while knowing it was hurting her feelings and feeding her self doubt.

She stands and realises that this is it! It hurts like hell to lose him but she states the obvious out loud as if addressing the ocean ''he has done nothing to support our love! None of the promises to stay together forever and love me were real! They were just words!'' Sanem feels sick, confused yet totally confident in her next move: to live on, forget him and to never, ever disrespect herself again, she is worth the greatest love story.

Sanem turns around, steps on the road to hail a taxi; a car breaks loudly, and all goes dark...

In hospital

Yigit walks into the hospital room a worried look on his face:'' how are you feeling Sanem? The nurse mentioned your blood pressure was low!''

S: ''No I'm ok, they are just giving me some fluids and I will be on my way. My sister is coming so feel free to go as well.''

Y: ''No way! I won't leave until I am sure you are totally fine and on your way home. I feel terrible you know, it was so scary to see your body hit the car and then the road...''

S: ''It will be a bad memory in a few days, don't worry.''

Can suddenly enters the room, shouting Sanem's name and rushing to her side. ''Sanem, what happened? Are you ok? In pain? What can I do?''

Seeing Can in a real panic made Sanem feel great, he cared for her it was obvious. ''I'm fine she answered, just some scratches and the doctor said my blood pressure was low and I was tired and dehydrated...'' a bit of guilt will do him good she thought as Can looked down at his feet knowing why she showed all the signs of stress and fatigue. Soon enough, he turned around and questioned Yigit's presence in Sanem's room. Angry Can is back was the only thing Sanem thought. The decision made by the ocean came rushing back to her mind and she stopped Can's rant with a sharp and loud ''STOP!''. Can looked at her with interrogating eyes. She looked him straight in the eyes, '' Go please Can, I don't need you here. I don't need you to make a scene. I don't need you to get angry. Please GO!!''

C: ''what... what are you saying Sanem? I'm not going anywhere til I see your doctor.''

S: ''Thank you but again I don't need you here, I don't want you here. I am just like anyone you said, so really just leave!!''

Can took a few steps back, his heart was beating out of his chest, he couldn't believe that his sweet, needy Sanem wanted him to go... he really had lost her. He left the room without breaking eye contact with her. She stayed strong and faced his stare, angry tears forming in her eyes, unable to breath until he disappeared.

Can felt a lump in his throat as he walked back out of the hospital and to his car. 5 minutes ago he had been running to her more scared than he had ever been in his life. And now, he was walking away from her. She wanted him gone. She had been in an accident, was in hospital and wanted him gone... He drove to his hut, he's not sure how, as his mind was just a blur. He somehow could not accept what had just happened. Had her head been hit in the accident he thought? Maybe she is not herself any more. He kept coming up with excuses but deep down knew she had just given up on him. He sent a few emails to his new employer in London and started organising his trip. It would take him a few weeks to round up his work at the agency. They would be the longest weeks in his life, he was aching to live Istanbul, to leave the pain behind knowing well it would follow him anyway.

Yigit dropped Sanem and Leila home. Sanem was exhausted but wanted to confine in her sister again. Leila was proud of her little sister's new-found self-confidence. She herself realised that she shouldn't have pushed Sanem to run after Can and that her sister deserved a great love, but also a supporting and respectful partner. However, she knew Sanem was heartbroken and that the next weeks and months would be painful.

Sanem barely slept that night, she lingered in bed until her mom stormed into her room asking her why she wasn't at work.Sanem thought it was time to come clean and tell everything to her mom. Mevkibecouldn't believe everything her daughter had gone through over the past weeksand held her tight. ''Stay home my baby girl, you never have to go back to thatplace'' she said as Sanem cried in her arms.

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