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I don't really like how the writer is dragging Sanem and Can getting back together right now. The story is very repetitive and there are so many lost opportunities to develop a new plot; this is just my opinion... 

I hope you enjoy this chapter, let me know please, your feedback is welcome:-)

Sanem and Can had agreed to meet downstairs at 8am for a quick breakfast; they would then drive to meet Aunt Remide at her office to finalize the market design and sign the contract.

Sanem was glad Leila made sure she was packing a few nice clothes. She wore a tight yellow sweater, a black skirt and black boots. She couldn't deny she was floating since the night before. She loved him, he loved her, they had forgiven each-other and he was working on his anger. For the first time ever, nothing was stopping them from being together. Yet, she couldn't shake the feeling that it couldn't last, she just didn't feel safe... ''his world...'' she whispered. His world just didn't feel safe to her.

It was 7.50 when she heard a knock on the door. She expected it was Can and opened the door with a massive smile and ''good morning''. To her surprise, Levent was standing in front of her,

L: ''Good morning Sanem'' he walked in past her and kissed her on the cheeks. He was looking around the room as if to inspect it. ''good room... I hope you like it. I asked my assistant to book one of the nicest rooms for you Sanem.'' He looked at her expecting a response. She was quite lost for words and shocked with him being in her room as if he owned it.

S: ''it is lovely thank you...'' she answered, ''should we go downstairs and meet Can bey now?'' she grabbed her bag and walked out. He followed her telling her he was really happy to work with her again and she should stay longer and have a look the blueprints of their other warehouses. She remained quiet.

Can was standing in the lobby when he saw Sanem and Levent walk out of the elevator. It didn't take more for his anger to roar and his ears to buzz.

C: ''Levent?! What are you doing here?'' he couldn't help asking bluntly. He didn't fail to notice Sanem was looking very uncomfortable. It made his blood boil, what had happened up there? Sanem was bracing at the probable upcoming scene he would perform.

L: ''I was early and came to make sure you were taken care of.'' Levent was smiling, oblivious to their discomfort.

C: ''we're fine thank you, we'll meet you at the office.'' With this Can grabbed Sanem's hand and walked toward the main door.

C: ''are you alright?'' he asked her.

S: ''no... yes, yes it's fine'' she answered.

They power-walked to the car and both settled in. Can turned to face Sanem and waited for her to talk. As angry as he was, he showed very little of it.

S: ''I thought it was you. He knocked on my door and I thought it was you but he was there and he just walked in.'' She looked at Can and understood a whole lot of horror stories were going through his mind: '' he didn't do anything to me Can, he didn't touch me... he just freaked me out a bit. And then I was afraid you'd see us together and you would think I had him in my room...''

C: ''you what?!? You really think I would think that?!'' Can almost laugh at the idea of Sanem inviting Levent but realized Sanem knew he had been greatly bothered by her spending any time with Levent, or any man really...

C: ''Sanem, I would never think that. He's a jerk and you're not a...'' he wasn't sure what word to use to say she was not the kind of girl who'd invite guys she barely knew into her room...

Sanem looked at him with a grin on her face, she couldn't wait to see how he would finish his sentence. He never did.

S: ''can we get some breakfast?'' she asked.

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