A plan

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Can crouched next to her, trying to lift her dead weight; she was sobbing uncontrollably and he looked up to Metin and Leila in a silent request to leave them. They eclipsed to the kitchen and Can lifted Sanem and gently sat her on the sofa. He let her expel all the pent-up rage and fear and caressed her head for a while.

C: ''baby...'' he lifted her chin to see her eyes, '' I promise you, as long as I am alive, Fabri will not harm you.''

S: ''how can you promise me that Can? How? '' she didn't give him time to answer, ''are we going to disappear? To flee to another country? That's your solution?'' she started sobbing again.

S: ''I just want to live my life Can!! But no! you had to punch him and humiliate him, how much more pain am I supposed to go through because of your pride?''

They both froze after her last reproach. She threw herself in his arms: ''I'm sorry... I'm so sorry... I never meant that, I know I am responsible for Fabri's anger... I'm just so scared Can...''

Can took a few seconds to -recover- as hurtful as her comment had been, he had to admit she was right. He had kidnapped her from the party because Fabri was being affected by Sanem just like he was himself and the rest of his aggressivity was all based on Sanem's perfume, hardly a life or death reason to fight...

Sanem's eyes were begging him to say something.

C: ''Sanem, you're right, my ego blinded me, I'm sorry.''

S: ''no my love, don't apologize, you always take care of me, I was wrong...''

C: ''NO! at the end of the day it is true... I couldn't stand this man... any man fancying you...''

She silenced him with a kiss... '' I am pretty sure I am guilty of this sin as well...'' a small smile appeared on her face.

C: ''Sanem, you're right, Fabri is out there and we have no idea what his next move will be so we need to decide what we are going to do.''

S: ''I guess you want to go somewhere?''

C: ''yes, I'll be honest, this is the first thing I thought of... but we have a life, family and friends here, we can't escape forever like fugitives.''

S: ''so we need to trap him?''

C: ''I guess...'' he realised what she was thinking about, ''No Sanem, whatever you are thinking right now, you forget it alright?''

S: ''Can, this is the only way and you know it, we have to provoke the attack if we want to have a chance to retaliate.''

Can was nodding in disagreement: ''no, no, absolutely not, you are not acting as bait.'' He got up and called Metin over.

C: ''Metin, can you please tell me wife she can't use herself to catch Fabri?'' he was fidgeting... Metin remained silent.

C: ''Metin? Please!??'' his eyes wide open.

M: ''Can... none of us wants Sanem to put herself in danger but, it does seem to be one way to lure him.'' Metin backed off a few steps, fearful at what was about to rain on him...

C: ''are you insane?'' Can was shouting, ''are f...g insane? What is wrong with you 2? Do you remember the week she spent in hospital?''

M: ''we had no idea that would happen...''

C: ''oh so now we can plan on my wife getting hurt, yes very smart Metin... did you learn that at the faculty of law?!''

Sanem quietly cut in: ''Can, if we control the situation along with the police, I will be safe. I just need to put myself out there like I did during the perfume campaign.''

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