Let go

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Sanem settled back into her routine. Her family and friends were delighted to see more of her and were doing her best to keep her occupied and entertained. She cried sometimes at night, alone in her bed and imagined herself in his arms. They talked several times a week, she could hear in his voice he was loving his time in Cambodia but believed him when he said it would be better once she was with him. Sanem's internship was successful and she was praised by her management who sent her to an International book fair in Vienna.

She was so excited to go. She had read so much about Vienna and its romantic tales and architecture. She messaged Can who called her within a few hours.

C: ''Congratulations my love, you so deserve this trip. ''

S: ''thank you, I'm really excited, only 4 of us from the company are going and I'll be expected to pick some authors and manuscripts to publish in Turkey.'' Can stopped listening at 4 of us...

C: ''who else is going?'' he asked fainting a casual tone.

S: '' 3 managers Can!!! And me!!! I'll be handling romantic fictions only at first, but this is a really big deal already.'' That didn't answer his questions...

C: ''I'm so proud of you Sanem, you're killing it! Do you know those managers, are you friends with them?''

S: ''not friends no but I often work with Ajda and Lina...'' 2 women, Can was relieved. ''I don't really know Murat but I've heard he's nice.'' Can dropped his head down, there had to be a guy... ''that's fine...'' he thought ''...she's mine anyway.'' He had never been jealous before he met Sanem, but then he had never loved before either. Can was feeling playful and asked Sanem what she was wearing. She could hear the grin in his voice. ''nothing'' she answered to match his mood. ''Just like I always imagine you'' he said. They giggled and ended the call with I love yous and kisses.

Sanem landed in Vienna a week later, it had only been her second time on a plane. The first time, she had been 12 and her family had travelled somewhere down south to visit an old dying aunt. She had been terrified the minute she stepped onto that flying metallic box and was relieved she had managed to keep her cool in front of her colleagues. How she had wished Can had been there to reassure her.

The team was taken to their hotel to freshen up and invited to attend a cocktail party in the ball room. Sanem had opted for a knee length red dress with large straps over the shoulders. She added a few necklaces, black shoes and a black clutch. She met her 3 colleagues in the lobby and walked into the ballroom. She was surprised with how crowded it was, but figured it was an international fair. Sanem had been working on learning some English, pressed by Can. He knew it was a universal language for travellers and it would be handy for her career as well. Her photographic memory had helped her learn a lot of vocabulary, but she wasn't ready to hold a conversation. She could hear many languages being spoken in the room and remained close to Ajda who was happy to help her with translation when needed.

Sanem had been mingling for over an hour when she saw him a few meters from her, looking at her. She walked away but he caught up with her '' Sanem, wait!''

Sanem turned around: ''Yigit! Please leave me.'' She had thought that seeing him was a possibility but was still in shock. He didn't want to make a scene and left her side. Ajda poked her arm: ''Sanem, are you alright?'' she asked. Sanem smiled back: ''yes, so crowded here...''

Sanem tried to relax, she didn't want to waste such an important weekend stressing about him. The evening went on and she was really happy with the contacts she had made.

The next day was taking place in a large exhibition hall, hundreds of books had been translated in over 15 languages to facilitate trades and Sanem was in heaven!! She spent the morning with Ajda, she observed her more experienced colleague and was left to handle her own meetings in the afternoon. Everything felt very natural to her, every passing hour was a confirmation that she had chosen the right industry.

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