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As soon as they pulled into the neighbourhood the next day, they were followed by a loud crowd, Mevkibe, Nihat and Leila rushed out to welcome them! There were tears and hugs and all the ladies were pressing to Sanem to admire her beautiful ring. Can and Sanem looked at each other, both relieved to be in the open, no more secret rendez-vous or lies, everyone knew they loved each other and it would now be forever.

Sanem changed her clothes and quickly got ready for work; she jumped back in the car and they drove to Can's place so he could change as well. They parked and Emre opened the door before they got a chance to do it, he welcomed Sanem with a large bouquet of fresh flowers and hugged them both. He squeezed his brother's shoulders: ''brother at last! I am so happy for you''

C: ''thank you Emre, we are happy too.'' Sanem and Emre sat at the kitchen counter while Can was getting ready. Emre offered Sanem a tea: ''here you go sister'' She looked at him, a smile on her face.

S: ''who would have known we would end up being family you and I right?'' she joked.

Emre sat up, his lips tight until he answered: ''Sanem, I know our family and I in particular, haven't been fair to you and I am so sorry about this. You didn't deserve any of it. I am so happy you are part of my brother's life and I value you and your family so much.

Sanem was slightly caught off but appreciated his apology. ''Thank you Emre, we can forget about the past now.'' He smiled again and pat her hand.

The 3 of them headed to the city and Can struggled to let Sanem go when they reached her office. ''See you tonight'' he greeted her ''I have a massive day at the agency and a few meetings so can't do lunch.''

Sanem had barely reached her desk that Ajda threw herself on her hand screaming! ''Sanem!!!!! You're engaged!!!'' she gave her a big hug: '' oh my God, tell me everything, how did it happen? Did he go down on one knee?'' Sanem laughed and told her the whole story, the whole team had gathered to listen and congratulate her. 20 minutes later, Sanem sat down at her desk, everything was so real, she laughed to herself while turning her computer on, joy was overflowing from her whole body. She struggled all morning to focus on work and was hopping onto wedding dress website every now and then. She knew what she wanted but couldn't help to look at them all. She wasn't into princess gowns, no... much simpler than that and she wanted to be able to walk and dance during her whole wedding day.

Can had dinner with her family that night and they agreed to wait for the end of summer to get married. There was a fair bit to organized and they wanted to enjoy their engagement.

''you'll need to decide where you will live children... after the wedding...'' Mevkibe declared.

Sanem looked at Can, she hadn't thought about this at all, she just wanted to be with him. Can smiled, he clearly had plans and she couldn't wait to find out.

They took a walk to the coast that night, holding hands, it was her favorite thing to do with staying at the mountain hut.

S: ''so where are we going to live?'' she asked him. He looked at her, a grin on his face, amused by the fact she knew he had already thought about it.

C: ''well, if you want... really no obligation to you... we could live in the house I grew up in?''

Sanem wasn't that surprised: ''I would love that'' she said. ''It's beautiful Can, I love this house.''

C: ''we'll make it our own and redecorate everything, you can do anything you want.''

S: ''we can decide together, I have never decorated an interior and you probably have a better eye than I do...''

C: ''what I mean Sanem is that it needs to be ours...'' They had arrived at the rocks and hugged.

S: ''I want to bring back art from the different places we'll travel to.'' Can loved listening to her talking about the future, their travel and life together. She clearly was as excited as he was, and fearless. He couldn't resist and interrupted her with a passionate kiss. She was so surprised, she lost her breath and pushed him after a few seconds laughing. She dived back into the kiss after catching a breath and held his face with her 2 hands: ''I love you so much Can'' she didn't let him answer and planted her lips on his.

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