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Anybody reading from Australia? This is where I live, leave me a message:-)

They were driving back to the neighbourhood when Sanem decided to announce she was going back to work the following week, she knew he would question her decision.

C: ''already? Sanem, are you sure? The doctor said your body would need to rest...'' he was nodding his head in disagreement and annoyance.

Sanem took his hand: ''Can, I'm going crazy at home, my body is healed and my head needs to as well. I need to get back to my normal life.''

C: ''I guess you're right. But you'll have to take it one day at a time ok? And I'll take you to the office and pick you up after work, no taking the bus!''

S: ''yes boss!'' she giggled. He gave her a side look and smiled.... '' you like when I say that right?'' she said smiling from ear to ear...

C: ''ask me later will you?!'' his jeans felt tight at the crotch, she would be the death of him...

Can dropped her off and went on to the agency. As Sanem walked in, she decided to talk to her parents and ask them for some space. She could see they were sad and didn't quite understand why she would want less of them.

S: ''Mom, Dad, I need you, always... but I also need my life back and you as well. This whole thing is in the past now and we all need to move on...

Mevkibe took her daughter's hand: ''my darling, it hasn't been 3 weeks yet, and you were hurt bad Sanem... we were very scared....''

S: ''I know but I'm ok now and the quicker we move one the better.'' Mevkibe wasn't convinced, on the contrary, but she trusted her daughter and agreed to let her go back to work and ask everyone to stop their special attention. She knew that would never happen and there would always be a pair of caring eyes on Sanem wherever she was in the neighbourhood.

Sanem went back to work the next Monday, she was welcomed by the entire floor, a table of pastries and treats had been set up and some flowers on her desk. She thanked everyone and dived straight back into manuscripts. ''Are you up for a catch up on what happened over the past weeks Sanem'' Ajda asked. Sanem gave her an excited look: ''you have no idea how ready I am!!'' she answered.

Her first week back went like a flash. She couldn't pretend her ordeal didn't flash in front of her eyes several times a day, but she kept busy and was managing her emotions. As Can dropped her off at her office the Friday morning, he suggested they have lunch in the park since the weather was so nice. Days were fresh but sunny and so bright.

Sanem was a bit early and was standing at their meeting spot looking at squirrels playing in the trees. Can could see her smile from a distance, he never tired of looking at her and was always fascinated with her beauty, he really had won the jackpot he thought... He quietly approached her and hugged her from behind kissing her ear. Sanem screamed, bent forward trying to escape his embrace. He let go, in shock...

She was breathing heavy, looking at him, tears rolling down her cheeks... ''I'm sorry... I... I didn't expect you I guess, you scared me...'' she lost it and started sobbing. Can didn't dare to approach her but she threw herself in his arms: ''I'm sorry... I don't know what happened, it's like I was by the water again...''

C: ''that's ok baby, I am so sorry, I was an idiot, I should have never jumped on you from behind like this, it was the stupidest thing.'' He felt so bad and was so scared by her violent reaction, the trauma was finally showing as he thought it would at some point.

Sanem was quietly sobbing in his arms, they stood there for long minutes. Her heart beat slowly came back to normal and Can sat her on a bench.

C: ''Sanem, has this happened before?''

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