The notice

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It wasn't 10 am yet when Sanem's phone rang. She recognized the agency's number and let the call go to voicemail. It was HR, she was being informed that her contract stipulated that she had to give a 2 week notice before resigning and was asked to return to work to support the team with the Redmode campaign. Sanem couldn't believe what she heard. ''Why? Why is he doing this to me? Why is he making me suffer? Again? Endlessly...'' To her own surprise, the only person she wanted to talk to was Deren.

Sanem called Deren and explained that she had been requested to come back. Deren acknowledged that her contract did mention the notice period and she did have to come back. She did reassure her though, the next 2 weeks would be exciting as they were working on great projects and she needed to be here to launch Redmode as she was the real creator of this campaign and no one else deserved to shine more than her. Sanem was touched and reminded of the wonderful people she had met through the agency, Ceycey, Guliz, even Deren.

Sanem's heart was beating fast as she entered the agency again, but she had decided to focus on her work and make the best of the experience in the advertisement industry. She couldn't help but to look into his office; Can saw her walk in toward her desk. None of them showed any acknowledgment of the other. Words were not necessary; their eyes could speak. She could see he was happy to SEE her. Yet she gave him nothing, her plan to survive was to ignore him and remain professional.

Huma witnessed the whole scene and ran into Emre's office. ''What is she doing back here?'' she barked. Emre explained that she had a 2 week notice period and Can had insisted she worked them since she was so involved in the latest campaign. Huma knew the real reason behind this demand and was fuming her son still had not given up on this stupid gold digger. Emre knew his mom too well and demanded that she leaves Sanem alone until she was gone. Huma agreed, but there was no way she would let her oldest son fall into this trap again. She walked out and called Polen.

Sanem was engrossed in her upcoming presentation when she heard a commotion outside her cubicle. She stood up and saw Yigit walk straight to her led by a very excited Guliz.

''Yigit? What are you doing here?'' she asked. Yigit explained that she had left her notebook in his car and the agency address was written in it. He also wanted to check on her and make sure she felt fine. He failed to mention he had been thinking about the beautiful brunette he had ''bumped'' into all night, he had to see her again.

''Thank you so much Yigit! This notebook is very important to me, thank you!'' She gave him one of her bright smile and his palms started sweating. ''Can we have a chat Sanem?'' Yigit asked. She was about to answer when Can's voice cut her off.

''Can I help you?'' he asked Yigit not meaning a word of it. He couldn't hide his nervousness, was shaking and fidgeting. What was this guy doing here he thought. Can went on:'' we are very busy here and can't be wasting time on small talks so if you don't mind going...''

Sanem apologised to Can as an employee would and invited Yigit to walk with her to the exit. Can had set himself a trap he thought as he looked at them walking side by side and Sanem laughing at something Yigit said.

''Your boss is charming!!'' Yigit sarcastically joked as he was heading to the door. ''Actually sometimes he really is'' Sanem answered with a sarcastic smile. Before leaving, Yigit asked Sanem if they could meet outside the office as he had read her notebook and wanted to chat to her about her writing. ''I own a publishing house and I want you to join us Sanem, you are very talented. Call me please!'' And he jumped in his car.

Sanem was standing by the door, holding his business card, her mouth and eyes wide open.'' What????!!!'' She thought... ''a publishing house... want to work with us... very talented...'' His words were going around and around in her head, was this real? She walked back to her desk, a grin on her face. Can stared at her, anger mounting in the pit of his stomach. This man was making her smile, could she be moving on so quick?

Panic engulfed him, as organised as he was to leave, he wasn't ready. The thought of never seeing her again was making him sick, as if his life had no point any more. Can suddenly took the measure of how much anger and resentment he had put pure and innocent Sanem through. Like she said in the parking, she had made mistakes but she also had tried to make up for them. After all she had lied to him about the perfume because she feared the very reaction he gave her when he found out. In a way he had lied himself, telling her he wouldn't leave her whatever happened between them. He was to blame for losing her, her only mistake was that she loved him too much. Can quietly worded his finale thought: ''she was scared of me... Scared I would lose it and scared I would leave her and she was right! I ditched her, I told her there was no us, I told her she was just anyone''. As reality and guilt sank in, Can held a breath, picked up his coat and power walk outside. He needed air, he felt nauseous, his head was going to explode; he ruined it all. He ruined the greatest love story of all time.

Like always when he was stressed, Can hit the boxing ring. He wished he could have hit himself... hard. He left the gym a couple of hours later, refreshed and clear minded. It was obvious now, he only had one solution: winning her back; start over. He would charm her like he did at the beginning with stories of his travel and albatross and he would give her all the time, freedom and respect she needed and deserved.

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