Wild Flowers

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Less than 2 weeks later, Can had organised a casual meeting with McKennon, it had been an easy task as the CEO remembered Sanem's excellent work launching his own product. They actually met at their house, as Can figured it would be a more private setting; the sun was bright and warm despite the days getting shorter. Sanem sat up a nice table on the deck with snacks and tea while Can fired the outdoor heater. They caught up with the past months and McKennon was sincerely delighted the 2 of them were happily married. Sanem left the men to make some more tea in the kitchen.

M: ''Can, you found yourself a wonderful wife...''

C: ''oh I know I know...'' he smiled and raised his glass.

M: ''I thought it was quite funny to see Jayda run after you...'' McKennon giggled and a mischievous look on his face.

Can rolled his eyes: ''yeah... it was that obvious hein?!''

M: ''you're lucky Sanem forgave your attitude toward this woman, you should have been clear from day 1 she had no chance....''

Can didn't expect a lecture from the man but he admired him and knew he had many years of wisdom ahead of him. He also knew what he had just said was true and he deserved to be told.

C: ''you're right, I am lucky...''

Sanem joined them again and served tea.

M: ''Sanem, Can tells me you want me to help you with your fragrances?''

Sanem blushed, the man was impressive and her perfumes were very personal, it was very daunting to try to sell her work for the first time.

M: ''May I please smell it?''

S: ''Sure.'' Sanem stood up to go in her workshop, ''actually Mr McKennon, please follow me, I want to show you my workshop.''

The 3 of them proceeded to the back of the house and Sanem opened the door to her sanctuary. McKennon stepped in, looking around, lifting jars of flowers to read the labels, he turned to her: ''Thank you, this is beautiful.'' Sanem blushed again, fidgeting.

M: ''this reminds me of my father's shop when I was a child, the mix of smells, flowers and oils. The perfume industry has lost this authenticity I am afraid.''

Sanem held a small flask toward McKennon: ''this is the fragrance I would like to share.'' He smelt for long seconds... and smiled.

M: ''This is beautiful Sanem, fresh, yet strong, powerful, yet light.''

Can stepped into the conversation: ''do you think you may be able to help Sanem?''

M: ''able? I want to help you Sanem, this is an amazing perfume and you need to share it with the world!''

Sanem had a massive smile on her face and Can was hugging her to his side.

S: ''How does it work then?''

They went back to the deck and McKennon clarified the options she had.

M: ''You are free to choose how you want to go on about distribution Sanem. You can sell the perfume to Redmod and we take it from there, or you want to keep control, and I guess you do, you ''hire us'' as distributor so you can decide about everything, use our marketing channels and producers of course, and we take a cut to be discussed.''

S: ''wow! This is a lot to think of.'' Sanem was flustered.

M: '' it is... but it is wonderful Sanem, you must be very proud of yourself.''

McKennon suggested she thinks about his offer and let him know within a couple of day.

Sanem struggled to function for the rest of the day, one minute she was excited and the next terrified. That night, Can was watching tv on the sofa, one hand scratching the dog's back and the other holding the remote. She sat next to him and placed his arm around her resting her head on his chest. He dropped the remote and starting scratching her head, they laughed at the scene.

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