The talk

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That evening and for the first time in years, the two Divit brothers shared a meal with their mother. Can had confirmed Huma's story with his father. She had been cheated on by their father... but why did she leave her son behind? Why did she leave him? He didn't have the answer to this question, just like he didn't know why he wanted to leave himself after Sanem hurt him so bad. He used to say he needs to go, to travel, work etc... but he knew he was escaping, all along... That so-called relationship with Polen was also all pretend. His life had been one big attempt at escaping his feelings. Stay put too long, and they all came back rushing, he just couldn't cope with the sadness, bitterness and disappointment. When he met Sanem, for the first time, he wanted to stay and settle, but how could he when he had no clue how to control and ease those painful emotions. She had no chance, whatever she did, the anger would have soared out of him.

Can was mentally exhausted, he left Emre and his mother in the lounge and went to bed for the day. He wished he could text her ''good night my love'' like he used to. Again, he repeated the events of the last few days in his mind. He wanted to hit his head against the wall, his anger was back, but now it was turned against himself.

''What are you plotting Huma?'' Emre asked his mother.

Acting surprised Huma answered'' what do you mean Emre? What are you talking about?''

E: ''I know you don't want Can to be with Sanem. You know he loves her, she makes him happy, why would you want to destroy that?''

H: ''a mother knows what is best for her son '' with this she got up and left. Emre decided he would keep an eye on her. The ice was finally melting between her and Can. If his brother had found out Huma was working against Sanem, he would never forgive her.

Sanem went home straight after work. She stared at Yigit's business card for a while and finally dialled his number.

Y: ''Sanem! It is good to hear from you, I wasn't sure you would call me.''

S: ''Hi Yigit. I wasn't sure I would call you either.''

Y: ''I am glad you did Sanem. As you must have figured out, I took the liberty to read your notebooks and it was excellent writing, you are very talented.''

S: ''thank you. I am hoping to write my own novel someday...''

Y: ''someday could start today Sanem. If you join my company, I can help you with your writing technics and use your talent to support my writers?!''

S: ''wow! This is a lot at once!'' answered Sanem. She was blown away by the offer and just wasn't sure if that was real.''

Y: ''I am sorry Sanem, I am very excited about your talent. Why don't we meet for coffee tomorrow and talk through it?''

S: ''yes let's do this thank you. Can you come near the agency around lunchtime?''

Y: ''sure let's meet at midday in the café across the road. See you there Sanem.''

Sanem greated Yigit good night and hang up the phone. She re-read what was written in her notebook, wondering what Yigit had enjoyed the most and if it really was good enough to publish.

Sanem arrived at the office and was relieved to see Can's office still empty. Every minute she could spend in the agency without his presence felt lighter on her shoulders. She was making tea when she felt his energy near her. She looked up and he was standing across from the counter.

C: ''Good morning Sanem, could you make me tea please and bring it to my office?''

Sanem automatically answered ''sure Can bey'' and looked at him walk away.

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