The road

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A bit of a long chapter sorry. Please let me know what you think😊

Sanem spent the rest of the week between the agency and meeting Yigit before work so they could discuss her novel and the up-coming challenges they would face at the publishing house. They were working together really well. She could sense Yigit was quite sensible to her charm. He had asked her out for dinner a couple of times but she had preferred to excuse herself and decided to be honest and tell him she wanted to focus on work at the moment. Yigit had been disappointed but he was relieved she seemed happy enough working with him. Can wasn't coping so well with Sanem's apparent peace of mind. He kept her close discussing ongoing campaigns but despite an ever-growing angst at her new-found interest for Yigit and his publishing company, he was letting her be and had not mentioned anything to her. He spent hours hitting the gym, exhausting himself and going home to eat, sleep and not think. He had not contacted his new employer regarding the Balkans and was avoiding thinking about this as well... He knew he would have to commit for good and go in a matter of days. It was Friday night when Can walked into his house and found Huma and Polen chatting on the sofa:

H: ''ah Can! At last you're here! You spend your life at the gym at the moment I never see you any-more.'' Complained Huma.

Can waived at her and pointed toward his room saying he was taking a shower. He appeared in the lounge 15 minutes later and pored himself a glass of whiskey.

P: ''are you getting excited about your trip Can?'' asked Polen.

C: ''I don't have time yet Polen, so much to do and finalize at the agency.''

Huma got up to make herself some tea and left them both, on purpose, alone on the sofa.

Polen started chatting again, not hiding her excitement at their upcoming departure:

P: ''Can, it has been so long since we travelled together, I can't wait! Just like the old days, you, me, a bag and the open road!''

Can was staring at his glass, he had to be honest and sort Polen out, it was now unbearable.

C: ''Polen, it will never be like the old days. You and I, there is no going back, we will never be together again and I don't want you hoping for that. I am actually traveling to be alone, to think and find peace again!''

Polen was once again shocked by Can's brutal honesty. ''But we agreed, I would go with you... and all this time we have spent together, I thought...''

Can interrupted, he was over it: ''you and my mom thought, I didn't! Huma put those ideas in your head. Do you think I could really leave you for Sanem and then leave Sanem and run to you? What is this? A movie? I am heartbroken I lost Sanem, I love her crazy. I'm sorry I'm hurting you but you've got to stop what you're doing because you and I are never happening!''

Polen nodded and got up on shaky legs and tears in her eyes, she left the house as Huma was walking back into the lounge.

H: ''ah where is she going? Why is she crying? Can what have you done?''

Can stood up and approached his mother close: ''as for you, don't interfere with my life or any of my business! We can get to know each other but do not ever plot anything in my back, am I clear?''

Huma looked shocked as if she had no idea what he was talking about. He left the room before she could respond, and that was for the best. She sat down and weighed her option. She could lose him again but there was no way she would let him end up with this girl from the village... she couldn't bare it.

Can was on his way to the office on Monday when he received a call from Aunt Remide:

C: ''Aunt Remide! It has been so long!! It is so good to hear from you, you have no idea!!''

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