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They hugged for long minutes before she left that night, she would be in Germany for the rest of the week and he was stranded home a bit longer, timing couldn't have been worse.

S: ''I'll call you when I land in Frankfurt ok?''

C: ''yes and I'll keep you posted with the women's campaign, let's change the world!'' they smiled at each other, still unable to actually separate. Emre walked in the house and saw that Sanem was on her way.

S: ''there's Chinese in the fridge Emre, I thought you'd be here.''

E: ''thanks, I had dinner already. I'll give you a ride home, it's late.'' Can thanked his brother and kissed Sanem one last time: ''I love you'' he whispered.

Emre and Sanem were chatting on their way to the neighbourhood.

S: ''make sure he rests and doesn't drive too early Emre.''

E: ''I'll try... but you know him...'' they giggled.

Sanem hesitated: ''is your mom back in Switzerland?''

E: ''she is, and she will leave you alone. She knows she may have lost Can forever and won't risk anything.'' That didn't really make Sanem feel better, yes they could be together but Can didn't have his mother. Emre guessed how she felt.

E: ''you know he is happier with your family than he ever was with ours?''

Sanem smiled, she had figured as much.

E: ''my mom thought you couldn't fit in our family but she never understood Can never wanted to fit in the first place.''

S: ''thank you Emre... I guess...''

E: ''you guess right'' they smiled at each other. Sanem stepped out of the car when they arrived and waved him good bye.

She was travelling alone for the first time and felt a mix of excitement and stress. She packed enough for 2 weeks and barely slept to make it on time for her early flight.

She went straight from the airport to the publishing house in the centre of Frankfurt. She stopped by the bathroom to freshen up, apply some make up and fix her hair. Soon enough she was back in a meeting room with the company's marketing team. There were 3 of them, Edith, an older lady, Franka and Sebastian. They offered Sanem some coffee and started the meeting. 2 hours later the first author's contract was finalised.

Edith: ''Let's have a break. Sebastian, give a tour of our office to Sanem so she gets to meet the rest of the team.''

Sebastian and Sanem walked ahead, everyone was very welcoming. She figured out that a few were hoping to come to Istanbul as opposed to her coming to Frankfurt and she made sure to tell them they could visit her office anytime they wanted to, she could show them around as well.

The rest of her stay passed as a flash, she found that Sebastian was escorting her everywhere and thanked him for his help before hopping onto a taxi to the airport. Her visit in Munich was as fruitful although the teams didn't seem as busy.

Can was waiting at the gate when she flew into Istanbul, she was about to jump in his arms but remembered his shoulder at the last minute and hugged it tightly. He was still sore when moving but was overall feeling fine. He had been very frustrated he couldn't work out as usual and had focused on leg exercises.

C: ''I missed you baby''

S: ''I missed you too'' they kissed and walked hand in hand to the taxi rank.

C: ''how was it? Did it all go as planned?''

S: ''yes, I'm really happy. Everyone is so professional and they loved my authors.'' Can could see Sanem was really proud of herself and he loved it. She had grown up so much over the past few months. They would be married in 3 months and he couldn't wait for it.

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