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This chapter is about setting the scene for future events, so a bit boring, sorry peeps!!

''Us?'' Sanem answered confused. ''what are you saying? There is no more us!''

She stood up to walk off, it was just too much for her. She was trying her hardest to move on and his words were messing with her head. Can threw money on the table and followed her.

C: ''Sanem... wait please...''

Sanem turned around: ''you're leaving anyway, why are you doing this?''

C: ''I can stay if you want me to...'' Can answered.

Sanem stared at him, holding her breath. ''No'' she said and walked away. She jumped into a cab and sobbed til she reached the neighbourhood.

Leila saw her come in and followed up to her room. Sanem told her sister what exactly had just happened. She wasn't sure how she managed to, she felt like she was literally drowning. Leila listened and hugged her, she didn't want to question her yet and she caressed her hair until Sanem fell asleep.

Sanem spent the weekend with her friends and family. They all had agreed to leave the topic of Can off the table. Being back to her normal life, her life from before the agency did her good and kept her thoughts somewhat under control.

As much as she was dreading Monday morning, she was looking forward to the Redmod launch the following day. She was very passionate about this campaign and was loving the whole team involvement, including Deren. For the first time, with Ayleen gone and Deren on her side along with Emre, she felt safe within the agency. She would miss them all... but her decision was made: she would accept Yigit's offer. She picked up the phone before entering the agency:

S: ''Good morning Yigit, how are you?''

Y: ''Great Sanem, even better now that you are calling!'' he said with a smile. There was no denying Yigit was a gentle and soft-spoken man.

Sanem continued: ''I have decided to accept your offer, I am ready to write and support your business full time.''

Y: ''This is fantastic Sanem! You won't regret it, I am thrilled to have you join our team!''

S: ''I still have to work almost 2 weeks at the agency and then I will be free''

Y: ''That's ok Sanem, we'll make it work. You could come meet the team in the meantime and see our office? We are a few blocks from the agency.''

S: ''Sure, send me the address and I will come by today.''

Sanem finished up the call and put her phone in her bag. She looked up at the agency building, although she had not been working there very long, it felt like she was about to close the biggest chapter of her life.

She walked in, he wasn't there yet... she settled for her day's work.

''Sanem?'' Sanem looked up and saw a smirking Polen stand in front of her. Exactly what I need... NOT!!'' she thought...

S: ''Hi Polen, can I help you? Can is not in yet I think.''

P: '' oh I know, I actually came here to pick up some files for him, can you help me find them?''

Sanem stood up to get the files Polen was after. Her throat was tight, and she could not deny that Can getting Polen to help him was a punch in the guts. She handed the file and bid Polen farewell. Polen smiled at her and added a useless ''I'll pass on your regards to Can I guess?'' Sanem didn't get to answer as Polen was walking away, visibly happy with herself.

How could Can have loved or even hang out with someone who could enjoy hurting people so much? Sanem wondered, it just didn't make sense how blind he was but then she knew she was so blind herself and always seeing the best in people even when there was little of it.

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