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Thank you to everyone who has left a lovely message, hitthe star button, I'll take it as a sign to go on...

20 minutes later, all assault units were surrounding the 3 train depots they had identified. Inspector Suvat was in command and had joined one of them. The police had installed a radio in the Divit house so they could follow up what was happening.

Inspector: ''All units in positions?'' He received 3 positive answers. And gave the finale GO. From then on, it was all running, shouting and banging. Within 15 seconds, shots were fired. Can stood up and walked toward the back of the sofa where Nihat was seating. He put his hands on Nihat's shoulders who in return grabbed his right hand; both men linked by hope and terror.

Sanem heard shouts and bangs, she could hear men screaming: ''Police! Police!...'' One of the kidnappers rushed in and tried to drag her out of the cell. Shots were fired and Sanem fell to the floor, terrified and unsure as to where was safer. She decided against getting out of the cell and laid on the floor. ''Get up you bitch'' he screamed! He kicked her in the stomach once, twice and eventually picked her up and forced her out. Sanem could barely walk and let herself be carried. He was breathing hard, visibly looking for an escape. He drew his gun but was shot in the leg by one of the assault cop. Sanem fell to the floor, unconscious.

Less than 2 minutes after the assault started, a man's voice came over the radio: ''Inspector, we have the hostage, one man down, and one injured. Victim is on her way to hospital, injured.''

Without looking at one another, everyone in the house rushed to the door to go to the hospital. Can looked at the policeman who had been left with them. He was on the phone confirming the hospital Sanem was being taken to. He joined them to the door and suggested they follow him, he would get them there quicker.

Upon arriving at the hospital, panic was palpable. Nihat had called Leila, she and Mevkibe were on their way and meeting them shortly. A nurse confirmed that Sanem was in the emergency room being assessed and they had to wait for the moment.

C: ''this is a nightmare... waiting! Waiting! All we do is wait!'' Can was finally losing it and fell in his brother's arms. Emre just held him, putting his hand on the back of his neck and whispering: ''we've got her back Can, she'll be fine.''

About 10 minutes later, the nurse reappeared, Sanem was getting ultrasounds done to check whether she had internal bleeding, but she was stabilized and had gained consciousness.

''Can we see her please, we are her parents'' begged Nihat holding Mevkibe.

''Let us finish our checks, and we'll transfer her to a room.'' The nurse was caring and confirmed that Sanem was stable.

That was enough for all of them to start crying and hug, now that they knew what was going on, they had new found patience.

Almost an hour later, the doctor appeared in the room. They all stood up at once, he approached Nihat and Mevkibe. ''Hello I am doctor Ismal, I have been taking care of your daughter Sanem.''

N: ''how is she? Can we see her please?''

DI: ''she has important internal bruising, 2 broken ribs, but no bleeding, and a line fracture to her right cheek as well as a bad cut on her head. Nothing she won't survive but she will be in pain for a while. We will need to keep her here for a few days.''

Mevkibe was crying: ''thank you doctor, thank you'' she held his hand.

DI: ''you are welcome madam, given the circumstances, we have requested that a psychologist meet with her as the police wants to talk to her as soon as possible.''

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