Your world

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Sanem ran up the stairs, she had barely walked into her room that her sister and Ayhan were rushing in buzzing with excitement and many questions...

''come on Sanem, tell us what happened in Ankara, from the beginning please, don't leave anything out!!'' Asked Leila

Sanem summarized the past 2 days; the girls were so happy for the sister and friend, they were giggling throughout the evening. When Sanem was finished, Leila asked her how she felt?

L: ''are you happy now Sanem?''

S: ''I am, I love him so much. But I can't shake the feeling that something might go wrong again...''

Ayhan interrupted: ''ah Sanem, you never had a peaceful relationship with him, you always were forced to hide something, it is normal it now feels weird to be free to love each other; you should just enjoy it, nothing will happen!'' she gave Sanem a hug.

S: ''you're right I guess... I need to relax...''

Sanem yawned, and the girls decided it was time to head to bed. Sanem put her pyjamas on and laid under the quilt. She picked up her phone and noticed Can had texted her while she was in the shower a few minutes earlier ''good night my love. I'll pick you up at 8 tomorrow?'' Butterflies erupted in her stomach, she loved him so much, like Ayhan had said, she had to get used to being openly in love with him. She smiled to herself and answered: ''good night my life, yes meet you tomorrow. Thanks for coming and see my parents.''

C:''no problem, we can finally love each other in front of everyone, this is what I have always wanted.''

He was at her door 5 minutes early the next day and took her by the water for a quick tea and pastry. They were chatting about books and travel again, they always have something to talk about Can thought. He used to yearn for silence and quiet and now he never wanted her to stop talking to him... Sanem was back to her old self, passionate about everything from flowers to stories of the neighbourhood and the ocean...

By Friday night, the whole team had decided to throw Sanem a farewell party. They launched a few confetti bombs at her at the office and then walked her to a nearby bar for drinks and nibbles. Sanem was so happy to be surrounded by such a lovely bunch of people. Huma had followed them at the bar but Sanem was convinced she actually was here to celebrate the fact that she was leaving, this woman couldn't stand her and it was obvious why. Sanem couldn't comprehend that someone could dislike a person because she wasn't born rich or in a nice house, it just didn't make sense. But Huma was Can's mother and it did sadden her that she would never be accepted by her. Can was all over Sanem, there was no more hiding any more and Huma couldn't stand the sight of this, she left within an hour faking a migraine.

Can could see the wheels of Sanem's brain turning and asked her what she was thinking about:

S: ''your mom... she doesn't like me...''

C: ''she doesn't like anyone Sanem. I love you.'' He kissed her cheek. She gave him a shy smile.

Can understood that his mom's attitude was another one of ''his world'' moments to her. Since Sanem had mentioned it during their talk by the water, he had thought about it a lot. He was horrified at the way Sanem had been treated by people who thought they were better than her because of where she came from: Deren, Polen, his brother, his mother, Jada... He was mad at them all but mostly mad at himself for the humiliation and bullying she had suffered right under his eyes, and he had done nothing.

His thoughts were interrupted by Sanem's voice welcoming a new guest: ''Yigit, you made it! Thank you! Let me introduce a few people...'' and she walked off toward Ceycey, Leila and the others.

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