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2 police officers arrived at 9.15 in Sanem's room, she was still laying in her bed as her ribs were very sore. She was dressed in her own pyjamas and robe and felt human for the first time in days. Can sat on the side of the bed, holding her hand on his lap. Sanem laced their fingers together as the police entered. She was relieved one of them was a woman, it would have felt oppressing to address only men while telling this story. Can could feel she was extremely nervous, she looked teary and pale.

C: ''Sanem, are you sure you want to do this? If you don't feel ready, they can come back...''

S: ''no I want to be done with it...''

The police woman added that the earlier the better as it was still fresh in her memory. ''I am officer Sudyam and this is officer Turkay. We need you to tell us exactly what happened with as many details as possible. Everything matters, everything you heard, felt, etc... You can take all the time you need. And we have a therapist ready to come in if you need more support.'' She smiled softly.

Sanem told them exactly what had happened. For the first time, her photographic memory was playing against her as the film of her ordeal had kept showing in front of her eyes, night and day. There were tears and sobs. Can kept caressing her head and hands, telling her how strong she was and still is, how it was over and how much he loved her.

An hour and a half later, the police officers left. ''We have everything to indict those 2 men Sanem, you need to recover now, they are going to jail for a very long time and won't be able to hurt you.'' Said officer Sudyam.

S: ''what about Fabri? Where is he? He could try again or try to arm Can or my family?''

C: ''don't worry about me'' whispered Can

The officer sat at the end of her bed. ''Sanem, every airport, border and police station in the world has his details, he cannot go anywhere. We are monitoring the activities of his offshore accounts thanks to Mina. We have the upper hand, he can't make a move without us knowing. You need to live your life normally and we'll protect you.''

Sanem was crying. Can cupped her face and kissed his cheek, tenderly shushing her. He thanked the officers and escorted them to the door.

S: ''thank you for being here Can.''

C: ''hey don't mention it ok? I'm always here, anytime baby.'' He sat on a chair close to the bed and put his head on her arm. They stayed like this for a while, until Leila and Mevkibe came in. They were surprised to see Can already.

S: ''we had to talk to the police.'' Sanem explained. Her mother held and kissed her hand, a concerned look on her face.

S: ''I'm ok mom, it's done!''

Can left for the agency and Sanem spent the day with her mom and sister. He came back at the hospital at 7pm when he knew she would be alone.

He silently stepped into her room, she was staring at her food tray... she looked up and saw him, a big smile appearing on her face.

S: ''look Can, what they give me to eat... it's disgusting... I don't want any, how am I supposed to get strong again.'' Can giggled and kiss the top of her head.

C: ''how are you feeling?''

S: ''hungry!!!''

C: ''I figured! But other than that?''

S: ''fine, I can go home tomorrow morning. I'll just need to take it easy for a bit and get my stitches removed next week.

C: ''that's great news! I'll pick up your parents tomorrow and we'll come here together.''

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