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I have more time than I thought despite a lot of studying woop woop!!!

A bit of a time-jump (few weeks) to avoid boring details😉

As predicted by Can, Sanem had no troubles finding an internship in a large publishing house. She wasn't sure she would want to work in such a big company, but it was perfect to learn and meet the right people in the industry.

They had both settled in an almost domestic life as she spent half of her nights at his house or in the chalet. She often wondered if Can was happy enough in Istanbul, living a somewhat boring existence with her. Their life was really

just work, a few outings at the movie, restaurant or hiking, and a lot of physical contact, which she knew he definitely enjoyed very much. Somehow the lack of drama felt at odd.

She saw him staring at the fire one evening at the chalet.

S: ''where are you?'' she asked him ''you seem so far away...'' she smiled, she didn't want to show her concern.

Can shot her a knowing smile, she could read him so well... it still made no sense it took her so long to believe he was in love with her.

C: ''here, with you...''

S: ''come on Can! Talk to me...'' he took some time to form his sentence:

C: ''there's this job I have been postponing for months... in Cambodia...''

S: ''you have to go?'' she interrupted.

C: ''no I don't have to, I'm sure they can find another photograph...'' he looked at the fire again.

S: ''Can, do I need to remind YOU, we have to be honest with one another?'' she grabbed his hand to show she was on his side, in all sense of the word. He looked at her and caressed her cheek like he always does when he loves her so much.

C: ''I've been home for a big while, I am readjusting...''

S: ''why Can?'' it was killing her to say it, but she had to: ''why would you readjust?''

C: ''Sanem, I am not leaving you... ever...''

S: ''Can...'' she squeezed his hand again ''the last thing I want is for you to feel stuck here because of me. You might think it's alright now, but you will hate me in a few years.''

C: ''I'd never hate you...'' he stopped himself remembering he had said that before and proved her wrong... ''Sanem, you want me to go?''

S: ''yes! Travelling, taking pictures, meeting people and new culture, this is you Can! This is the Can I fell in love with, the one telling me stories from far away lands and promising me to take me around the world... If you stop doing this, you're not you and I'm gonna lose you anyway!''

Can was speechless. He knew she was right, but it was harder for his head to accept this logic, not to mention his heart and body!

S: ''I tell you what... go, do the job and I'll go on with my internship. In a couple of months or so, I'll meet you there and you'll show me around?''

C: '' a couple of months?!'' it seemed unbearable to him.

S: ''I can try to come earlier but the point is, you have to do what you love while I do what I love and as soon as we can, we get together... wherever possible...'' she paused ''what I mean Can... is that we are stronger than that... we can have it all, Can, the World is ours, we are so lucky...''

Can wrapped his arms around her, as to gage if he could live without her for a bit... he couldn't... but she was so beautifully right.

C: ''I love you so much Sanem...'' Sanem knew then he was gonna leave... She started crying: ''I love you Can, always.''

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