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Nihat and Mevkibe were too excited to see Sanem again to wait at home and met them at the airport. As soon as they passed the terminal gates, Can lost Sanem as she ran to her parents and started telling them about her trip...

They reached the taxi rank, hugged and headed home in 2 different cars. Sanem heard her phone blip as she walked into her room, Can was texting her: ''I miss you already...'' She smiled and fell backward on her day bed. The last 2 weeks had been dreamy and she couldn't believe life was so good. She texted back that she loved him and was looking forward to their next trip.

Sanem was glad to go back to work, she had read a few manuscripts while she was away and had a list of comments and ideas to share with the team. Upon her return, she was asked to go to her manager's office. She was anxious, maybe going away wasn't a good idea after all.

She sat down across from Assan, her manager. He was a large man, who never smiled but had always been very nice to her.

A: ''Sanem, how are you feeling?''

S: ''good thank you, really rested and excited to be back at work.'' She was praying he wasn't going to fire her.

A: ''good, good, glad you feel better. Listen, the whole team is really happy with your work and if you are ready to stick around, we were hoping you would want to join us as a full-time employee?''

S: ''oh wow!!! I didn't expect that... yes I would love to stay. I am definitely not going anywhere for a while''

A: ''great! Then you will stay in Ajda's team and HR will contact you to sign a contract and confirm your wage.''

Sanem got up on shaky legs, she couldn't believe she had a real job in a big publishing house. She was finally going to make her own money and build a career. She went to cafeteria to call Can and they agreed to meet after work to celebrate.

Back at the agency, Can was warmly welcomed by the entire team, Deren was desperate for Emre to stop getting involved in the creative process and she had loads to check with her boss. Ceycey was just happy he was back as it meant Sanem was as well. However, he was met by a nasty surprise when he found Huma siting on the sofa in his office. He let out a sigh and stood before her:

C: ''I told you I don't want to see you any more...''

H: ''Can, please I am your mother... something terrible happened to you and I wanted to be here and check you were both ok...''

C: ''we are both fine, sorry to disappoint you.'' He answered sarcastically, he was making no effort to hide his anger. ''you can go now...''

H: ''don't be ridiculous, I don't want anything bad to happen to you or Sanem, whatever you might think.

C: ''oh so when you try to break us up despite our love for one another, you are not trying to hurt us??!!!'' he was ready, she wouldn't have the last word even though he wanted to throw her out right now.

H: ''Can, you misunderstood my intentions, what I did, I did for Sanem, I knew you would want to leave at some point and would end up hurting her.''

Can was boiling, he actually couldn't take any more: ''please go! I mean it, go... and for the last time, leave me alone.'' He left the room. Emre had observed the scene and walked into Can's office.

E: '' what happened?'' he asked his mom.

H: ''he won't listen to me, he thinks I'm his enemy.''

E: ''to be fair, you have been trying to hurt him and the person he loves the most so don't expect anything else...'' he had to be straightforward with her and honest with himself.

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