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Can laid them both on the bed and slowly began exploring her body again. This time, he wanted to go slow, selfishly taking his time to caress, kiss and suck on every inch of her skin and find the sensitive spots she didn't know she had. Sanem was too happy to let him drive; she was embracing the pleasure he was giving her and knew she had a life time to return the favour. His head was resting on the inside of her thigh when she felt his lips on her sex; her hips jolted up and she breathed out a loud ''Can!''. She heard him chuckle and laughed at herself, almost losing her breath... As he kept licking, her legs started shaking, slightly... he left her centre and trailed his lips down her leg to the back of her knee. ''I'm all yours you know'' she said. Can came back up to face her, resting on his elbows, he kissed her ''and I'm all yours'' he answered. She wrapped her legs around his waist, grabbed his butt cheeks and pushed him in, stealing his breath away. He touched her nose with his, a smile on his face: ''you're learning quick my love'' and he turned them around so she was seating on top of him. Sanem felt his hips push up and started moving up and down herself. He had managed to make her feel so empowered and his equal despite her lack of experience. They enjoyed the position until Can turned them around again so he could speed up and make her come before he did; Sanem came undone within minutes, squeezing her arms around his shoulders and chanting his name. He kept his rhythm up and shook moments later as pleasure engulfed his whole body. He rolled on his side, holding her, breathing heavy. They were both staring at the ceiling when Sanem asked: ''can we come at the exact same time?'' He loved that she was comfortable enough to ask, ''yeah for sure'' he answered: ''we just need to talk a bit more when we do it and we can come at the same time.'' ''We'll have to do it'' she said before adding: ''I want you to tell me what you want too!'' He rolled on top of her and bumped his nose against hers again: ''hungry?'' he asked. Sanem wasn't thinking about food, but she figured they needed to eat. There was no way they were getting dressed and out of bed; it was late and they ordered room service. They settled on piles of pillows, munching on chicken and watched a movie. It was almost 2am when the film ended and Sanem had fallen asleep, her head on his chest. He tried to lay her gently, but she woke up: ''sorry I fell asleep, I was a bad movie companion!!'' She rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom to wash her face and teeth. He knocked on the bathroom door and waited for her to open. She realized they were both naked and blushed as her eyes followed him stepping into the shower.

She went back to bed and waited for him. Can was drying his back with a towel when he walked back into the room and asked her if there was anything special she wanted to see in Canakkale. Sanem knew everything there was to see in the area after reading a few of the touristic pamphlets and she answered that it would be nice to drive down to Troy. They agreed on visiting Troy and decided to stay an extra day. It felt too good to be together, alone, and they had to make it last...

Can jumped into bed, he kissed her and rested on one arm staring at her, ''what?'' she asked... ''just looking...'' he answered, licking his lips. They slowly approached each other without breaking eye contact and kissed, deeply, sensually... They made love again; Can kept it simple and rested on top of her so she had little to do for them to find their release. They were asleep immediately after and woke up late that morning, their bodies still reeling from the night.

The next 24 hours felt like Heaven, they talked, visited, laughed, ate, and made full use of the jacuzzi again!! Sanem had called her parents twice to reassure them. Although her mom was upset with the sudden trip, she knew these two were meant for one another and whatever her daughter was doing, she trusted her.

They had driven half way to Istanbul when Can noticed Sanem was looking engrossed in her thoughts... ''thinking about work?'' he asked.

S: ''yes... what am I going to do now?''

C: ''you know there is always a place for you in the agency...''

S: '' I know...''

C: ''but?''

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