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Once again, Can had used his social network to quickly find events willing to get sponsored by Sanem's perfume, obviously it wasn't hard. She decided to focus on women's cause, after all Can's campaign to free women of the shame they feel after being abused had been very well received.

Within the next 2 weeks, Sanem had appeared at 4 different events, and in 9 publications. Each time, she was highlighting that HER perfume would have never been possible without Can. They were literally followed everywhere at all time. The publishing house had been very supportive since they had witnessed how much damage the first attack had caused her. They offered for Sanem to work from home but she wanted to keep her life as normal as possible and the inspector had indicated it was better as well. Fabri cannot know we are setting a trap.

S: ''I'm tired'' she told Can while they were driving home. ''a soup and I am in bed.''

He took her hand and caressed it with his thumb. ''Almost home baby.'' His phone rang and he pushed the Bluetooth button of the car.

''Can Bey?'' it was the unit following them. ''we have lost contact, I repeat we have lost you''

Can remained calm: ''ok see you at home.'' He hanged up, they were aleady on the small road leading to their driveway. He didn't get a chance to put his eyes back on the road that a huge Hummer rammed into the back of his truck, sending them on the other side of the road, Can had no control. The car turned on itself for what it felt forever and violently came to a stop. Sanem was screaming the whole time and turned to him as soon as the car became immobile. He was about to check on her when his door was thrown open and a large gun was pushed into his face: ''Sanem!!'' she was already under threat as well. They followed 2 large guys dressed in black suit and were ordered to seat in the back of a limousine. The 2 armed goons patted them for bugs and sat across, facing them; in the back corner, Fabri was seating triumphant.

F: ''Signor Can, Sanem, what a pleasure to see you again.''

Can was jumping up and down the seat, trying to kick him: ''you piece of shit...'' that got him a kick in the back and he was told to seat back.

F: ''Signor Can, please calm down, I just want to talk...'' He drew a gun and pointed it at Sanem: ''voila! This way I know you will listen to me!''

Can sat back and remained quiet.

F: ''Dear Sanem, congratulations on the success of your perfume... alas, it seems you have forgotten it was I who was supposed to produce it!''

S: ''you are a thief, you lost your chance!'' she spat.

One of Fabri's man was about to hit her but Fabri stopped him. ''no no, this face is too pretty to damage.''

F: ''regardless of your opinion, I am going to need a compensation.''

C: ''what do you want?'' Can barked

F: ''$25 millions''

Can rolled his eyes: ''you do realise we don't have this kind of money? Even if we wanted to give it to you, we don't have it.''

Fabri's face transformed and her pulled Sanem over to him, his arm was around her neck, his gun on her temple.

Can grabbed her hand but was hit again by Fabri's goon.

F: ''so Can, what is it going to be? Money in my account or your wife's brain on my window?''

Sanem was quietly crying, she knew she could do nothing at this stage.

Fabri handed a burner phone to Can: ''call your brother! He handles the money, doesn't he? Have him transfer the funds within 24 hours, details will be sent to him.''

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