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Note:  I have never been very interested in their story, but I think both Emre and Leila are great characters and the latest EK episodes have been good to them but massive big eye roll when the writer played the jealousy card with them as well... I mean, seriously?!?!?! Does she know people don't usually fall in love and get into a relationship that way? Why not have Emre charm Leila for days, it would be beautiful... And for God's sake, make both sisters more mature!!!!! Grrrr!!!

Sanem: ''tell me Can... what is it?''

Can: ''it was my mother!'' he blurted out: ''she arranged for the inspection to close your parents' shop''

She turned around to face him, he could barely look her in the eyes.

S: ''what do you mean? How?''

Can explained everything Emre had told him. Sanem stood up silently, her eyes looking empty, she put her underwear and one of his shirts on. Can took some sweat pants and a t-shirt out of a drawer. He approached her: ''Sanem...''

She interrupted: ''give me a minute... please...''

C: ''I'll go outside to cook the meat alright?'' She nodded. Sanem wasn't sure what to feel. Part of her wasn't surprised but overall, she felt hurt, sad and vulnerable. For the first time, she understood why Can wanted to leave when he was hurt himself. This is exactly what she wished she could do right now: go away, as far from Huma and this city as possible.

Can walked back in with a couple of sandwiches on a plate. She took the plate and helped him settle on the coffee table.

S: ''I've never felt so close to you but tonight Can.''

He loved her saying this but wasn't entirely sure what she meant. He took her hand and kissed her fingers. She told him how she wanted to flee.

C: ''but we're together to face this right?'' he was smiling at her, a smile that meant: ''I got it see?!''

She smiled back: ''so my parents' shop is safe... for now... until next time, until next trap...''

C: ''Sanem, don't feel threatened...''

S: ''how?'' she interrupted him. ''How am I supposed to feel safe Can?'' Her voice sounded frustrated. ''You've told her to leave, you've told her to leave us and yet she keeps coming back and attacking me!''

C: ''us Sanem! Us! She's hurting me too.''

S: ''I know... I know... sorry I didn't mean that...'' She touched his hand, he nodded. ''Let's meet with her, both of us. This has to stop and we need an honest conversation for this to happen!''

C: ''you're right.'' Can wanted this done now and texted his mom to ask her to have breakfast together in the morning. He didn't mention Sanem would be there.

They ate and made out some more, he just couldn't resist her when she was wearing his clothes, or anything really.... She was seating next to him on the sofa, his hand holding her face, the other caressing her leg up to her butt. She slipped her hands under his shirt and arms, flattening her palms behind his shoulder blades, they kissed... slow... it always felt so passionate between them, she loved it.

They dressed and he drove her back home. She invited him in so he could share the good news with her family. They had decided to leave the topic of his mother out. Sanem's parents cried, they were so relieved and grateful. ''Can, only a son would do what you have done, thank you.'' Mevkibe said as she kissed Can on his hand and cheeks. Sanem teared up as her father embraced them all in a group hug.

The next morning, they arrived at Huma's hotel at 8. Sanem was anxious, she was squeezing Can's hand and couldn't let go as they sat at a table in the restaurant. Huma appeared a few minutes later, visibly shocked to see Sanem. She took a seat across the table, awkwardly holding her napkin.

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