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S: ''I'm pregnant!''

Can remained silent, his eyes stuck in a stare trying to understand how it happened: ''did you forget to take your pill?''

She looked at him with angry teary eyes: ''oh so this is your first problem? Blaming me?!''

C: ''no Sanem, I am just trying to understand ok?''

S: ''no I didn't forget my pill, I don't know... maybe it's not 100% efficient...''

C: ''are you sure you are pregnant?''

Sanem sobbed again: '' yes I was late so I did 2 tests and I have symptoms...''

C: ''have you seen the doctor?''

S: ''not yet...''

Can was clearly as shocked as she was. ''Come here'' he said as he pulled her into a hug. ''We'll be fine Sanem, we are getting married in a couple of months, we are spending our life together and we were planning on having kids anyway right?''

S: ''not so early Can... all the things we want to do... the travel... and how am I telling my parents?''

His problem-solving instinct kicked in: ''ok first, we go see a doctor.'' He got up and took her hand.

They walked into a small clinic and were told to fill in some paper and wait. The nurse came in to draw some blood off Sanem.

S: ''this whole waiting thing is killing me Can...'' He squeezed her hand.

The doctor called them in.

D: ''welcome, please seat down. Your blood test confirms that you are pregnant miss.''

Both Sanem and Can didn't react, the doctor kept going: ''you will need to do an ultrasound to establish how many weeks.''

Sanem nodded: ''thank you doctor.''

D: ''are you ok? Is this an unplanned pregnancy?''

C: ''we are getting married soon, it is just a bit early.'' Can didn't wish to discuss this with anyone at the moment.

S: ''doctor, I have been on the pill for years and have never forgotten it, how is this possible?'' She just couldn't get over this and the fact that Can had doubted her.

D: ''the pill can fail, rarely but it can happen... Have you been sick recently? On any medication?''

S: ''yes I had a throat infection last month but I saw the doctor who gave me anti-biotics and I was fine within a few days.''

D: ''that's it! Your anti-biotics have cancelled the effect of the pill.''

S: ''what?!?'' Sanem was fuming, how come she wasn't told?!

They left the clinic and Sanem called the hospital to book her ultrasound from the car.

S: ''hold on a minute'' she asked the secretary on the phone and turned to Can: ''ok we can get in tomorrow but it is 650 Lira or free in public ward next Monday?''

C: ''tomorrow''

She knew he'd say that...

S: ''Can, I am so sorry, I had no idea medicines affected the pill...'' she started crying again. Can got off the freeway and stopped along the water, he still hadn't said a word.

They sat on the shore.

C: ''My love, I know you are in shock... so am I... but this is beautiful... you and I, we made a little person.''

S: ''it's too early Can...''

C: ''Sanem... we can do everything we want with this child, we can take him everywhere we go... We're going to love this baby so much...''

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