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New chapter already, I am off at the moment and this story has been in my head for a while... As of tomorrow, I have a week of reading and studying so no or few updates

Sanem stood up and walked toward the lift, she pushed the button and leaned against the wall. She couldn't breathe, or think...

She stepped out on the street and followed her usual way to the agency. She didn't feel, nor cry; even anger wasn't flaring in her stomach, nothing! She felt her phone vibrate, Can had texted he was still at his desk and to meet him there.

15 minutes later, he looked up to see Sanem's figure approach his office, his heart fluttered, he was always as excited as a kid the day before Christmas when he'd see her come to him. As she got closer though, he stood up, that wasn't Sanem, that was a ghost...

He ran to her in the hallway and gently put his arm around her shoulders guiding her to the sofa:

C: ''Sanem, what's wrong?'' Sanem was pale, her eyes glassy and she was slightly shaking as if she was cold. Can touched her forehead to check for a fever and kept asking her what was going on...

She finally looked up at him and opened her mouth. Words seemed impossible to form, she shook her head from side to side. Can gave her some water and helped her breath slowly and somewhat relax. He didn't want to force her, whatever had happened, and he had the worse in mind, it had to be serious. If that Yigit touched her, I am killing him he thought...

S: ''Can, your mom...'' Sanem started talking... ''she knows Yigit. She paid him to hire me.''

C: ''what? What are you saying?!''

S: ''she was in my office when I went back to pick up the manuscript, talking to Yigit. She said she invested money in his company and in exchange he hired me to separate us. She asked him to make me work long hours and to get close to try and split us up.'' Sanem had vomited the whole conversation at once. Can stood up and started pacing screaming vile things about his mother.

Sanem kept on talking to herslelf: ''it had nothing to do with my writing... or any talent... he just hired me because he was paid...''

C: ''that's it, I'll take care of her...'' and he started rushing out of this office. He was half way to the building door when he heard Sanem shout: ''STOP!'' He turned around to see her fall on her knees, tears running down her cheeks, and hands reaching for the floor. He rushed back to her, crouching.

S: ''Can... I'm not strong enough...I'm so tired of these attacks... it hurts so much...'' she could barely speak or breath, choked by the flow of tears and sobs. He didn't dare to say anything by fear of hurting her even more. He was terrified by her state. He had witnessed raw pain throughout his career, but nothing could have prepared him for the sight of her, broken. He picked her up in his arms and gently sat them both on the sofa. Sanem was holding onto him like a lifeline, she couldn't let go. They remained in an embraced for a while until Can told her he would grab his keys and drive them to his place.

S: ''no! I want to go home, I want to be home please...'' it stung him.

C: ''sure I'll take you home.'' He guided her downstairs to the parking lot. They drove in silence, he wasn't sure what to say or do; he would have cut off his own arm if it meant she wasn't hurting any more.

As he parked in front of her house, she unbuckled her seat belt and wished him good night. He told her he'd call her, she nodded... He looked at her walk in, very aware she had made no attempt to kiss him. ''I might lose her...'' he thought... ''all of this is because we are together...''. Fear engulfed him and tears formed in his eyes. He pushed his palms on his eyelids and started the car. He had something else to do now.

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