By the IV of Love

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✧ Chapter 4 ✧
[ By the IV of Love ]
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

She stood there by the doors everyday, thinking about what he said. And each day, she felt lost and strangely longing for something she couldn't see.

Maki Harukawa had hug up her knives a long time ago after the incident and shut them away, locking the cupboard.

Because of her impulsive actions, she caused Kaito Momota to get arrested. If only she didn't lash out at him.

If only she had accepted him.

But then again, this was a society where love was forbidden. A place where people were caged within themselves and unable to be who they wanted to be.

A place where they can't love another.

It was a disease. Worse than despair. And they called it falling in love.

Each day, she was reminded of him. His empty seat in front of her. His cheerful smile and eagerness to help. His jokes and even his annoying qualities.

"Will he be okay?" Rantaro asked with a slight frown.

Kaede sighed, not looking up from her notebook. "He's been gone for a year."

"Now now class," Mr Koizumi rapped his knuckles against the table, "Worrying about Mr Momota will not bring us any closer to an education would it? He wouldn't want that.. so let's continue with our lesson."

Ryoma sighed with disappointment, glancing at Gonta while Miu played around with a gadget which she had invented.

Everyone did their own thing, not really paying attention to their lessons. After all, there was nothing to do after they graduated from Hope's Peak. Everything was provided for them...

And Kokichi hated it.

He folded paper airplanes and launched them around the classrooms, occasionally hitting the other students.

He was bored as hell after all.

Kokichi watched with a slight frown as Shuichi slept on his desk, his hat pulled low over his eyes to block the light. He looked so peaceful when he slept and Kokichi wanted him to sleep forever.

Just to see the worry lines disappear from Shuichi's face when he relaxed. The other boy had not talked to him at all ever since their fight a year ago, leaving Kokichi a little hurt.

That memory was still as fresh as ever in Kokichi's mind. Each night, he could remember Shuichi's distraught expression as he cried for Kaito.

He knew Shuichi always went out to the rooftop garden to stare at the dark sky. The purple haired boy could see him from his dorm room, which was located just a few rooms away. It has been going on for awhile now..

Shuichi leaving his dorm room at exactly eight in the evening, always grabbing the same food and then making his way to the garden. And then he waits around till it gets dark to watch the stars.

Kokichi was used to his strange routine by then, since it has been a year.. almost a year and a half since Kaito had been taken away.

A year and a half for Kokichi to fight his own feelings down for the pitiful guy.

He had to make Shuichi see some sense. Before he got reckless.

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Shuichi was in the library, obviously studying for a test as Kokichi watched him from a distance.

Judging by the amount of books on the table, and Shuichi's sleepy expression, he's been there for hours. Kokichi darted away when Shuichi rubbed his eyes, nearly catching sight of him.

❀ The Disease Called Love [Oumasai/Saiouma] ❀Where stories live. Discover now