That Wasn't Reality

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✧ Chapter 56 ✧
[ That Wasn't Reality ]
♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥
[ Kokichi's PoV ]

"Mark this one down as attempt number fifty-six." I told Keebo, who was posing as my assistant. We were in the hidden room; playing around with the many neatly labeled test tubes.

Even as I was working, I couldn't help but feel a shred of memory from my old life. My older and more insane self, that is. I could faintly remember experimenting with the various Serums, testing them with the help of those infected by Love. But now, things were different.

I was saving two strangers.. Shuichi, and this Hajime guy. But honestly, I just wanted to find out what's all the fuss about the serums. They seemed to be normal ingredients mixed together. By normal, I mean different medications, fused together and mixed as one.

My hands worked while my mind wandered once more. A very long time ago.. before I ran away from my family, I had been diagnosed with mild ADHD.. my mind could concentrate for only a short period of time. And Panta was the only thing which could calm me down. Not coffee.

"Hey," I glanced at Keebo, whose glasses were perched on his head, "Shouldn't we ask Himiko for this? She's a 'mage', isn't she?"

The scientist shook his head, closing the cap of a large green medicine bottle. "She's helping Angie with the carving of names on the wall. Apparently, Angie likes to whittle and chisel stuff."

"Yeah, they're both weirdos." I snickered as Hajime mumbled something I couldn't quite catch. The brunet was sitting at his desk, head in his hands as his nose bled. Apparently, that was one of the signs of the Reverse Serum, as told by Mikan's old notes. Apparently, the Ultimate Nurse had been a Monokuma Traitor.

I turned my attention back to the huge pot in front of Keebo and I. The liquid was coloured in a dull shade of lilac. Definitely not pink.

But then again, the Reverse Serum was pink.. so with logical thinking, I was pretty sure the other two serums were coloured differently.

"Time to taste test then!" Breaking the silence with my proclamation, I grinned and dipped the ladle into the pot full of bubbling sludge.

"However, Grumpy Hajime, if this poisons you, I'm truly sorry." I told him, who didn't reply as he made his way to stand by our side.

The front of his black jacket had a line of blood, and he looked nauseous. The leader looked so sickly, that I didn't expect him to grab my wrist with a sudden sweep of his hand when I tried to give him the 'serum'.

"Ugh.. no thanks." Hajime muttered, "Surely there's some other foolproof way to do this. Not just some dangerous trial and errors." he slowly released his grip on my hand.

Keebo and I looked at each other, his blue eyes turning to analyse the bubbling pot of purple liquid. "If you truly wanted the perfect serum, we have to get to the Hospital before Hajime's memories fade." the scientist informed us.

The brown haired male's eyes softened, "As soon as possible then. I'm afraid I've forgotten how Komaeda and I initially met, even though it's been a mere two days in the Hideout." He was obviously frustrated with himself, for forgetting something as simple as that.

I felt my heart skip a beat. Finally!
I'll finally get to see this mysterious Mastermind they call Shuichi!

"Keeboy," I said casually, trying not to sound too excited, "Gather everyone you think is reliable- no nevermind," I grinned, leaning forward where I stood.

"I'll gather those who I think are reliable! Cause I know you're terrible when it comes to picking teams!"

Keebo looked insulted and just as he was about to reply, I smirked, "Nishishi~! That's just a lie! Come on Keeboy! Hey Tsun Tsun hair.."

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