The Ones That I Had Loved

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Dedicated to: sora_ouma and ThatOneFujoshi-UWU who entertained me with their ongoing two day conversation. I owe you guys. 👌🏻 They (Sora and Fujoshi) blessed me headcanons which I APPROVE TO. THEY'RE GREAT. :)

✧ Chapter 71 ✧
[ The Ones That I Had Loved ]
▹⋇⋆**❀ ❀** ⋆⋇◃
[ Kokichi's PoV ]

I skipped out of the classroom, leaving Rantaro after he had launched into another speech about his newfound crushes. He was sooo talkative, but at least I had stayed with him for two hours; the feat had earned me two glittery purple Friendship Fragments with the guy.

I was bored. Bored of talking to people who just wanted to rant about meaningless things. Topics which varied from how to play a boring game of tennis to creepy, big eyed bugs; all of my classmate's useless chatter meant nothing to me.

I wanted someone to see though my lies. Was that too difficult? However. The only one who actually payed close attention to my words was him.

"I'm telling you Maki, this is perfectly normal! I've seen Tenko and Himiko.. though she looks a little reluctant but that's not the point." the familiar voice of a ding-dong pianist exclaimed in her usual slightly high pitched tone.

I rounded the corner, coming across two girls whose fingers were laced together in a gesture I could immediately link to the word, 'affectionate'.

The short haired assassin muttered something I couldn't quite catch, followed by Kaede telling her something in return. Oooh. So this was who Amami-chan was dumped for. Nishishi.. who knew Akamatsu and Harukawa were an item?

I giggled to myself and decided to follow them. Maintaining a safe distance away; close enough to hear them, far enough to avoid detection.

They talked to each other for a long time, roaming the halls and stopping every now and then to talk to a fellow schoolmate. Once or twice, Maki glanced back, almost catching me, but thankfully, I darted away just in time.

However, just as they walked past a classroom, scary Maki glanced backwards without a warning.

I didn't have time to move, but instead of getting caught, I was pulled backwards, bumping against the person who saved me from my 'near death experience'.

"What are you doing?" Shuichi's quiet voice asked, as I quickly turned to face him. There he was, his warm golden eyes peering at me from behind his new fashion apparel.

"Are you trying to look make me fall for you? Because it's working." I blurted out, staring at his thin, black framed glasses. He looked so nerdy, but also cute at the same time. Geez.. and those glasses matched that pastel blue scarf wrapped around his neck.

From the slight condensation on his glasses, I figured he must've gone to the library. Of course he would. The cute geeky nerd with his clean white blouse, grey jeans and blue sneakers. Seriously. How can someone pull off this stupidly charming librarian look?

"Um.." he blushed, putting a hand to his glasses and pushing them up. "I wear contacts, but I decided to go for a change. Just like-."

"Your hat." I interrupted, giving the boy a wide grin. What's with these sudden bursts of random knowledge about him?! But to save myself from the stunned silence, I continued, "Aww, so are your beautiful eyes still gold? Or are those just contacts?" I asked, hoping to sound like it was a casual question.

Perhaps he wouldn't put two and two together and realise that I spent time staring into his eyes.

"My student ID says it's gambogeish. But," he chuckled, "Gold honestly sounds much nicer. Have you-."

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