The Hope I Can't See

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✧ Chapter 58 ✧
[ The Hope I Can't See ]
♥*♡∞:。.。  。.。:∞♡*♥
[ Kokichi's PoV ]

⚠️ Um.. torture. I guess. And ow feelies. Use heelies to escape the feelies ⚠️

Bloodied handprints on the floor.

Magenta liquid filled vials.

He was staring down at me with disapproval in his warm grey eyes. With a small, pained expression on his face and a knife one hand; he seemed hesitant to hurt me.

I was trapped. Bloodied and bruised by whatever was going on. Holding my breath, the detective knelt in front of me, using his free hand to tilt my chin up. "..."

This was.. terrifying. His now magenta eyes were brimming with unshed tears as he slowly leaned forward and brushed his lips against mine.

And at the same time, a pain started in my chest making me take a breath, my voice muffled against his lips.

"I'm sorry, Ouma-kun." his light, gentle voice whispered in my ear as he slowly pulled the knife out from my body.

Dull pain wrecked me as my lungs cried for air. In front of me, was the empty syringe which had held some sort of liquid which was numbing the real pain.

What was the real pain?

Watching him kiss me, my hand desperately trying to break free from its chains?

"Do you think I was lying when I told you I love you?"

Or was it his empty magenta eyes, which were watching me struggle.

This isn't.. this couldn't be happening.

My vision clouded with tears as Shuichi suddenly stood up from where he was kneeling in front of me.

"I'm not a liar like you, my dear Ouma.. I love your little games, but it seems like I've beat you this time around.."

With a swipe of his hand, he shoved my shoulder against the wall, and swung the knife backwards, stabbing me in the stomach—

My eyes shot open as I gasped and flailed around, my elbow hitting something plastic. Cradling the injured area, my gaze focused to the black, carpeted floor.

Behind me, the faint hum of an engine rumbled; which meant I was probably in a car.

Tinted grey windows enabled me to look outside. However, I chose to see my reflection instead but I didn't get the chance-

The car jostled, making me throw my arms out to break my fall. However, I was too late, since the momentum sent me sprawling to the floor.

"Hey!" I shouted, propping myself up with my arms. "What's your problem?"

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Ouma." a cool voice spoke up, as two people got into the seats in front.

Maki climbed into the driver's seat, followed by Hajime on the other side, sitting beside her. He seemed disgruntled by the choice of seating, but it was clear that the girl wanted to drive.

"What's the big idea? Hitting me on the head like that.. why didn't you just say: 'Sorry Ouma, looks like I'll have to knock you out right now. Have a nice nap.' Huh, Maki Roll?" I pouted and folded my arms as the girl shot me a glare with the help of the rearview mirror.

"Don't call me that," she replied through gritted teeth, "Just shut up and let me drive." She shifted the gear stick and the car rumbled to life once more.

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