Was All of The Indecisiveness

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✧ Chapter 16 ✧
[ Was All of The Indecisiveness ]
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The next afternoon, Shuichi was in his dorm room, listening to music. At least it distracted him from everything else.. especially Kaito's messy side of the room.

He was just about to complete the last question of his homework when heard a loud slam echo throughout the boy's dormitory building, followed by a loud shout.

Why did it sound like there was an argument going on?

He hesitated, his pencil hovering over his notebook. When he heard another slam, he flinched.

Thinking quickly, Shuichi shut off his music and grabbed his keycard to unlock the room door. He slid the card down the gap and opened his door.

The corridor was empty, except for Gundham Tanaka, who was closing his eyes and pressing his palms together, as if he were praying.

"Uh.. Gundham?" he asked the fifth year student cautiously. The taller male didn't turn, apparently lost in his thoughts. A hamster poked its head out from within the folds of Gundham's scarf, looking at Shuichi.

It just stared at him for a moment before retreating back to the scarf.

"Um.. nice talking to you.." Shuichi told Gundham with a meek smile, before walking off. There really were weird people around in Hope's Peak.

Shuichi continued to walk around, trying to find the source of the shout. The dormitories of Hope's Peak were quite large.

A simple blue building, five stories tall. Since Shuichi was in Year Three, he was housed on the third level, along with his other classmates. So he didn't know why was Gundham outside his dormitory room. Weird.

Maybe he was taking his hamsters out for a walk? He has heard stories about that.

He turned the corner, to the other rooms where he knew Ryoma, Kokichi and Korekiyo stayed. Along with another bunch of other year three students, of course.

Shuichi took a sharp breath when he saw Kokichi being held up by Akane. "I'll kill ya, you little punk!" she was yelling.

"A-Akane?!" Shuichi exclaimed, making the girl turn, still holding Kokichi who looked like he was struggling to stay awake. "What are you doing?! How did you get in-?"

"I stormed in, of course!" she glared at him, "I wanted to teach this little brat a lesson for killing our teacher!"

"But you'll get arrested for killing someone!" Shuichi tried to reason with her, "I'm sure you don't want to throw away your education here at Hope's Peak for that!"

Akane turned to Kokichi, who had a fresh bruise over his old one, and his eyes were teary. "So?" he managed to choke out, "Are you going to end it now or what?"

Despite being help up by a strong girl like Akane, Kokichi seemed to be perfectly calm. Beads of sweat trailed down his forehead. Shuichi could see a tear trace his cheek and drip onto the floor, but no one else seemed to notice.

Nekomaru, who had been watching the fight in a corner, punched his palm with his left fist, "Let us beat him up first! We won't kill him.!" he raised his fist, right at Kokichi's determined, but pale face.

"Wait-!" Shuichi gasped as the fifth year shouted and aimed Kokichi right in the face, the three of them hearing a loud crack.

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A bamboo sword knocked Nekomaru's fist away and with a loud shout, he fell heavily to the ground. "What the-?" Akane exclaimed as someone slammed her against the wall, holding her in place.

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