With the UV Above

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✧ Chapter 12 ✧
[ With the UV Above ]
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"Attention! Attention, students of Hope's Peak Academy."

"It looks like we have a very special announcement!" Monokuma's cheerful voice echoed throughout the school, via the loudspeaker.

Kokichi frowned, looking up from his test paper. He instinctively risked a glance to the empty desk.

But of course wasn't very surprised when he didn't see anyone. After all, Miss Chisa had given Shuichi a day off from school to rest.

Shuichi Saihara..

All night long, Kokichi had been tossing and turning in bed, wondering what did his teacher mean by Shuichi having the effects of the serum.

He barely got any sleep, so the purple haired boy was rather grumpy and the other students knew to stay out of his way.

"Students, AND ONLY STUDENTS, MIND YOU, please gather at the gymnasium for a very special announcement." Monokuma repeated gleefully, "Thank you." he finished and turned off the announcer with a loud click.

Kokichi's classmates looked at each other. What was going on? Monokuma has never done this before. Calling the all the students to the gym just for an announcement? It was unheard of.

"Maybe he's just telling us that the rules have been banished?" Korekiyo asked, sounding hopeful.

"Yeah right, that would never happen.." Ryoma sighed, pulling at his dark blue beanie. "Monokuma's too cheerful. So of course something bad has happened."

"It's alright students," their teacher said to the class, "Let's just head over to the gymnasium and see what does our principal want."


Kokichi felt like something was wrong. Like a feeling in his heart, weighing him down. Did something bad happen to Shuichi? He needed to find out as soon as possible.

"Well?" he stood up, startling everyone, "Let's go already and see what that fuzzy fur ball wants."

"I don't think you should be talking about our principal like that, Ouma." Kirumi said sternly. She was the strictest of all his classmates after all, and always followed the school rules.

Some even accused her of being a traitor, spying on the students and reporting to Monokuma.

But of course, other kind hearted people defended her. Like Kaede and Rantaro. They believed that Kirumi just liked to follow the rules to not get in trouble.


Kokichi narrowed his eyes and followed the rest of his classmates to the gym.

It was time to see what Monokuma wanted.

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"Why are we even brought in here anyway?" Mondo asked, rubbing the back of his neck as Ishimaru frowned sternly.

"Principal Monokuma wanted to make an announcement, didn't you hear?"

"But why couldn't he just tell us by using the intercom?" the taller male asked with a confused expression.

"Maybe he just needed to show something to us?" Sonia Nevermind asked, looking a little afraid. "Something important, perhaps!"

"Miss Sonia is right!" Soda spoke up, grinning, "Everyone should just pay attention and see-."

"Miss Yukizome?!" Chiaki muttered, looking at the stage.

Everyone turned to the raised platform to see a gruesome sight awaiting for them..

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