Alive, Holding On All Together

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✧ Chapter 38 ✧
[ Alive, Holding On All Together ]
✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

Shuichi ran a hand through his hair, remembering that strange incident he had with Ouma today. The other boy seemed rather happy, but the look on his face said otherwise. He seemed to be holding something back, choosing his words carefully. The boy was probably planning something reckless again..

The detective was back in his dormitory room after another long day in class. Shuichi leaned against the door of his dorm room, reading the words carefully. He had found the purple piece of sticky note, slipped underneath his door.

"We need to talk. Meet me in the school garden, two in the morning. From, Ouma. P.S. Make sure you're alone."

Shuichi narrowed his eyes at the handwriting, frowning as he read. What did Kokichi mean? He wasn't being very specific.

And Shuichi wasn't sure if he trusted him.. but then again..

He felt his heart skip a beat whenever he heard Kokichi's name in his mind. Why was he feeling this way? He wasn't even supposed to be feeling this way!

Shuichi glanced at the clock on his desk, still holding the paper as the seconds ticked away.

It was nearly half past one, in the morning. Furthermore, he was supposed to be studying for his upcoming math test.

However.. this sounded urgent.

And Shuichi knew he couldn't really leave Ouma hanging around like this. Especially when there was a curfew in their school. No one was allowed outside in the halls or grounds when it was past ten.

No. Shuichi reminded himself again, turning away and stuffing the note deep into his pocket.

He grabbed his dark navy blue hoodie and put it on. Tugging on the sleeves and making sure he had his key card to his dorm room, Shuichi grabbed his backpack and unlocked the door.

Without really thinking too much about it, Shuichi headed to the garden. If Kokichi needed to talk to him, he might as well see what he needed.

... It shouldn't be a problem. Right?

✧༺♥༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧

Shuichi trudged across the dewy ground, shielding his eyes from the slight drops of rain which fell on him. Why did Ouma have to pick such a timing.. he wondered.

He couldn't help feeling slightly worried, since he had never sneaked out of his room when it was past ten before. Overhead, the chilly wind blew, rustling the branches of a tree and filling the silence.

He was doing this because... well. He needed to tell Ouma off for making him meet this early in the morning. The detective stared at the stars in the sky, noticing that the constellations were back.

It's been so long since he's went stargazing. Maybe he should try it out with Ouma one day-. Why did his thoughts immediately think about that purple haired student? It was annoying..

Shuichi stopped walking and spun around when he heard a crack of a twig. Kokichi stood there, a few feet away and looking slightly surprised. He raised his foot, seeing the broken twig underneath. "Nishishi~! So much for being sneaky, eh, Saihara-chan?" he laughed, making Shuichi sigh.

"What do you need, Ouma? Why did you call me out this early in the morning?"

The other boy reached up to his head and played with a strand of his own hair. "I want to play another game. I'm bored."

"Another- haven't you played enough games Ouma?" Shuichi strode forward and held Kokichi's wrist up, to show the bandage around his finger.

The purple haired boy seemed surprised by the sudden contact, "I'm just lying. I just wanted to... talk." he smirked.

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